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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hi! I'm Ian! When me and my friends wanted to start playing dnd in college, DMing fell naturally to me because I was the only person who had ever played a ttrpg before- even if that was pathfinder and we were playing 5e. Now all my friends are busy, and I'm desperately craving running a game, so I find myself here. My games have a bright, colorful atmosphere to them with an emphasis on meeting fun npcs; my players often compare my campaigns to the likes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I have a large library of my own personal homebrew content, occaisionally add original music, and add the very occaisional script that's sure to knock your socks off.

GM Style

I love colorful- but not memey- characters, fairly challenging combat, and occasionally using hard survival mechanics. On the flipside, I'm not usually one to make maps, so I'm always willing to fudge positions or surroundings a bit to allow any cool ideas you have. I tend to predict player actions and plan out a few sessions in advance, which can sometimes have the illusion of the campaign being "on rails;" however, that's never the case, and everything I plan is fully a product of the players' actions against the npcs'. And though most of my minute-to-minute speech is improvised, when things are really coming to a head, you can count on me to have a fantastical script timed perfectly to music to really set the scene. This all describes my campaigns, at least. In write one-shots to explore the canon of dungeons and dragons that I don't get to in my own campaigns. They're still just as colorful, though, except for when they're not. I've got about 10 one-shots of my own ready to go if you just want to try one session, two campaigns I've run before and can run again, and 5 campaigns ready to go on their maiden voyage. Games are pro-LGBT and anti-racist. Beginner-friendly and a patient teacher.

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