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The Wanderer

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Random Scotsmen with at least 5 years of GMing of various systems and love tabletops. My introduction to ttrpgs was through a friend in college who introduced me to the concept and helped me make my first character in a mad max rpg, I created a delusional old Vetrinarian with a obsession to recreate the animal kingdom and be crowned their new god. then only a few months later someone I became friends with through adventuring with other fellows handed me a interesting game that let you play as the villian, the only catch was you had to be the GM. The first game I ever ran was a system known as "The Fellowship" based on Tolkien's heroes in lord of the rings. then went onto other systems such as White Wolfs World of Darkness, other settings with the savage worlds rules and inevitably Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition.

GM style

My Prefered way of running a game is to try and focus on narritive of each character as well as create experiences for you to help flush out your characters personallity and traits. I take tailoring the rules to how someone wishes to sculpt the type of individual the way they want to play by tinkering with players to find a balanced yet fun ideas to create a satisfactory or interesting playstyle. I try and flow the rules of a game into how you progress your character and immerse anyone into any of the worlds I create to put you in unique settings to try out whatever you feel would fit. I prefer to create my own worlds in order to try experiment with setting themes and odd ways of life that players will experiance. but most important of all with my style is I really just want to have fun and want my players to have the same. It's important to me what players do and feel when they breathe creativity into something and I want them to be encouraged to try to play together to create whatever strange and epic events they can scheme, even if it might not always go as planned.

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