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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hello, my name is Thomas and I've been playing DnD for 18 years (he said as if this was an AA meeting.) I think most people have fond memories of their first game, but honestly mine was awful. A DM that only seemed interested in showing us how pathetic we were compared to his DMPC and didn't care if we had fun or even got to do anything. However even the act of making my character had hooked me somewhat, so some other friends and I took cracks at games, that often turned into combats that came off more like a math quiz than an epic adventure but we learned as we went. When I became my group's "official" DM I endeavored to never be like my first DM, I always try to play by the rules my grandfather told me for playing as a child, everyone has fun and nobody gets hurt. Since then I've hosted countless 1 shots, modules, and several adventures in my own homebrew setting for family and friends and more recently decided to branch out and host adventures for strangers. I feel like one of the most important things as a writer and creator is to always be getting new information, seeing things through new sets of eyes. So I've been playing for a couple years now with people I've met through various online avenues, always trying to learn something through each person, and one of the ones in a campaign I'm currently running suggested I should make an account on here so here I am.

GM Style

I'd describe myself as about 65% roleplay and 35% combat. I prefer the combats to be meaningful and difficult (the planned combats anyhow), though as I tell my players occasionally, the game is designed to be beaten, as long as you're being sensible you aren't going to be just chucking your characters into a wood chipper. I tend towards a mix of railroad and free roam where I like to give the players lots of options, but with enough direction that they aren't just randomly milling about getting frustrated.

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