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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I've been playing DnD for 6 years, and DMing for 4 of them. I love silly, whimsical encounters, hilarious roleplay, and insane puzzles and mysteries. I'm a very yes-and DM, and crave the juxaposition of a lighthearted game with gut-wrenching emotional scenes.

GM Style

I enjoy crafting intellectual puzzles and concentric mysteries, along with memorable roleplay. Like most DM's, I use fun voices and accents for all my NPC's, and balance encounters to make them difficult, but fair. My combat tends to have interesting additions, like unique lair actions, unforseen consequences, and trash talking from both sides. As a general note, I don't play with encumberance rules, and will tweak mechanics when the situation calls for it. For session 0, I utilize world-building rpg's with my players, and homebrew the setting and story completely. Above all else, I like to have fun, and root for my players' success against the challenges I present to them.

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