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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I have GMed for nearly 30 years, beginning with AD&D 2nd edition, 3rd, 3.5, 4th, 5e, Torg, Torg Eternity, Fate (including Dresden Files), Amber Diceless RPG, & Star Wars Saga Edition. My currently preferred systems are Amber Diceless RPG, D&D 5e, Dresden Files RPG, & Torg Eternity.

GM Style

My philosophy is that a GM should be fair while presenting a challenge. While my chief priority is to entertain you, I believe that players receive the most long-term satisfaction when they know they have earned everything they have. Because of that, I actually believe I do a disservice if I pull punches. On the other hand, if I write something that TPKs the party, I have failed as a DM. This is unacceptable to me so I ask that you trust me when I say that I am not out to get you. In the same vein, I trust that players are at the table to entertain each other and me. As part of this, I do not believe every encounter should be appropriately matched to the party’s level. It is up to all of you to determine when you can kick someone’s *** and when they can kick yours. So, don’t expect to get the same array of challenges all the time. Some will be easy, and some quite difficult. Some will be much worse than that, so talking is sometimes a good option. Think of it this way… I Report; You Decide. On the non-combat side of things, I feel that many fights should be optional. I like the idea of people role-playing their way out of having to fight. On the other hand, I also like people picking a fight because it seems like the “in character” thing to do. Ultimately, I suppose that what I like the most is seeing a player make a decision in-character and sticking to it. With regard to rules, I try to be reasonable while following the RAW (with some exceptions). I do this as I feel predictability & constancy with the rules is a benefit to players as they know what to expect which lets them plan ahead. So, please feel free to ask for clarifications sooner rather than later. I am happy to answer questions as I want the game to be as successful as you do.

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