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Torg Eternity on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"Imagine a role-playing game with an adventuring party consisting of John McClane, Gandalf, Van Helsing, Captain America, Lara Croft, and Jackie Chan. One week they travel to New York to race against Belloq to find treasures in Land of the Lost. The next week they go to Cairo to fight ninjas in the world of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The following week they go to France and fight the Spanish Inquisition in The Matrix. And all three of those settings are in the same world. That's Torg." Welcome to Torg Eternity, a highly cinematic reality bending multi-genre roleplaying game. In the game you play as storm knights, heroes that are battling against an invasion from reality raiders called The High Lords. This campaign is aimed at all experience levels and will be taking you from the very beginning of the invasion, starting with a set of day one scenarios designed to introduce you to the mechanics, the setting and each of the invading realities. Torg is a highly unique game, it's a game where one session could be a spy mission, sneaking into demon infested Russia to steal top secret occult technology and then the next week you could be battling dragons or fighting nazi stormtroopers on a zeppelin! One session could be your typical dungeon crawl and the next you could be plunged into a survival horror that's right out of Resident Evil! It's never a dull moment with Torg, from it's reality bending setting to it's unique, highly cinematic mechanics! Just buckle up and prepare yourself because it's going to be one hell of a ride!

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

In order to prepare for the game you will need to download and install discord and also create a discord account. You will also need a free roll20 account to join in the game, as well as a microphone or headset. Everything else is available for you on roll20 such as character sheets and the like. If you want to use physical dice, a d20 and two d6 is all the dice you need to play Torg.

What I provide

As well as the card deck modules which are provided for you on roll20, I will also be using and creating my own maps and using the various Torg Eternity Tokens. I will also be using the Torg Eternity soundtracks during play for key scenes.

Gameplay details

A typical session of Torg is split into scenes, some being action and set piece orientated while others may feature more roleplaying elements. Fighting is always going to be a part of Torg and it's fun and dynamic too, it's rules allowing you to battle hordes of enemies as easily as battling a single mob. There will be plenty of chances to roleplay as well, meeting all kinds of strange and wonderful characters. The mechanics of Torg are very unique, not only do you roll dice in Torg but you also have access to a card deck that allows you to manipulate the dice rolls and the game session in general. For instance, there is a card called "Dinosaur attack" in the living land deck and you could play that at any time, granting you and your teammates a bonus but also, well there's now a t-rex that has stumbled across you! Another card in the pulp inspired Nile Empire causes the villain to launch into a villainous monologue and probably spill out the details of their plan too! It's this kind of interactivity and licence on not just the story but the reality around you, that makes Torg Eternity so unique and so fun.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We'll first be starting with an array of pre-gen characters as you go through the day one scenarios, being introduced to the mechanics and the setting of the game as well as experiencing the reality invasion for yourself. After that it's time to make your own Storm Knight, we'll set aside a dedicated session to build your perfect Storm Knight, starting off as Alpha clearance level. There's a lot of variety in Torg eternity, after all this is a game where you can play a Dwarf in magical power armor, a Victorian monster hunter, a mystical lizard man, a pulp super hero and much much more.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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