The FrostCursed Queen - Lvl 10 Gritty D&D 5E One-shot

The FrostCursed Queen - Lvl 10 Gritty D&D 5E One-shot

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

A call has been put out for powerful adventurers to rid their mountain of an undead nuisance. The clan of Ashenforge has sent out a bounty, 5,000 gold per hero and everything they can carry out of the dungeon is the reward upon destruction of the befallen temples that lay below the rock and ice. It asks for those who are willing to show up at the courtyard in the Dwarven city of Magrigh. Here, the heroes will receive supplies and passage to the temple's entrance located at the base of Mount Gelida. Letter From Magrigh "To whom this may concern, An undead plague has fell upon the region of the dwarves and Mount Magrigh. We are asking anyone willing of sword or staff to purge this evil from our blessed mountain. We have set up outposts to contain the threat but seek assistance in clearing out the inner temples. 5000 gold and anything they can carry will go to every hero who participates, but this bounty comes at a high amount of danger. All who have gone in yet have only been found as zombies roaming the mountainside. We will have a meeting on the new moon's day at mornings wake at the courtyard in Magrigh where more crucial information will be given. Most Regards, Greatchief Thokouren Blessforge" The players will begin the game in the city of Magrigh where they will receive the instructions and supplies by Thokouren Blessforge, a city elder and a survivor of the civil war that led to the mountain being cursed and dwelled upon by the undead. If anyone wants to create a character from the dwarven clans, or the city of Magrigh, I have put a link to the full backstory of the civil war below for all the information on the history. Magrigh, while a dwarven establishment, is a fairly large trade city. Exporting mined goods and stonework has brought in many different types of merchants. The population of Magrigh is diverse, being only that common is spoken regularly. It has many shops, trades, and temples in which a variety of people could find themselves growing up or moving to. The leadership of Magrigh is a monarchical council, though as far as is known, they have done right by their population, especially after the fall of the temples and mines within Gelina. History of Mount Gelida


2 years on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Inclusive, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

- Every player must have a microphone and a PC. Mobile is not supported at this time. - You will need a created character sheet from one of the listed options created before the game starts. - Foundry Account: - Discord account: - Access to Spooky's Dungeon and Doggs server: Optional: - you may give me a token to be used within foundry to represent your character. Other Links MBMP Character Sheet: D&DBeyond:

What I provide

I will provide the VTT and server hosting, environmental needs such as maps.

Gameplay details

I will be using a combination of the Open Door and X,N,O cards. this allows any player to remove themself from content that may unknowingly come up, or they may say or type a card to the DM, and we will change things from there. We will go over the saftey tools at the beginning of the game and any hard lines that may come up within the game. Saftey Toolkit: see sections on "Open Door" and "X,N, and O cards"

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Breaks

  • Open Door

  • Stars and Wishes

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Players will create their characters at Level 10 using the point buy system. Character sheets will be created before the game starts using D&Dbeyond (no content supplied), an MBMP character sheet, or by contacting me (Spooky) on the discord server to manually import or create a character sheet. If you are contacting me about a manual import you must contact me at least 3 hours before the game begins. - Character Restrictions: - No Eberron, Dragonlance, or Spelljammer content, unless otherwise contacted, provided with resource and verified. - Level 10 character - 3 common magic items and 1 uncommon magic item of choosing for your character.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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