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Sundered Waves | Pathfinder 2e One Shot | New Players Welcome | Learn to Play

Sundered Waves | Pathfinder 2e One Shot | New Players Welcome | Learn to Play

Pathfinder 2e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Pathfinder One-Shot: Sundered Waves is a short Pathfinder Second Edition adventure, designed to be played in a single session lasting 3 or 4 hours. Sundered Waves includes pre-generated characters that have backstories tied to the plot of the adventure in the standard Pathfinder setting of Golorian. Five years ago, many regarded the Brass Bird as a fearsome pirate ship that sailed the waters as far north as Varisia and as far south as the Shackles. Captain Renlock recruited a capable crew and though they were relentless in their pursuit of treasure, they rendered mercy upon those they captured—often releasing prisoners to leave aboard relatively undamaged vessels. Still, Captain Renlock’s piracy drew the attention of numerous navies and privateers in Avistan and Garund. When a pirate hunter from the Andoran fleet finally caught up to the Brass Bird, Captain Renlock cut a deal to spare his crew, turning over his ship and himself to commute many of his crew members’ sentences. Renlock spent the last few years of his life in prison, keeping his trusty clockwork parrot, Cawlo, close by his side. His crew scattered to the wind. Some members of the Brass Bird served time in jail for other crimes, but most were released after only a few months. When Renlock passed from illness, his clanking, clattering parrot took flight to complete one final task. Seeking out four members of the Brass Bird’s crew, Cawlo gave each a fragment of a map with a message on the back. The parrot promised the crew members that they would find a hidden treasure if they arrived at the final resting site of the Brass Bird by dawn after the next full moon. That was three weeks ago. When the adventure begins, the four characters gather on the beach in front of the remains of the Brass Bird that sank in the small inlet of an unremarkable island all those years ago.

1 year on StartPlaying

39 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Teacher

Average response time: 4 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

To prepare you will need a free discord account and mic, a webcam is optional. You will also need a free Roll20 account.

What I provide

We will use my Discord server for audio and optional Video. I will provide the module within Roll 20 where I also have a plus subscription and access to the rules and pre-generated characters which will be provided.

Gameplay details

As this is a one shot we will be using X,N, & O cards throught the RPG Safety Tools on Role 20.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

We will be using the 4 Pre-generated characters provided in the adventure. Play as one of four pre-generated characters: Kaako Ashfeather - An inquisitive Jinxfeather Tengu Rogue with a penchant for dressing flamboyantly. Among friends though, she is much more laid back and can be a prankster. Lavanna Saltspray- Chelaxian Halfling Cleric She craves the open ocean, to dare the sea and storms, she often finds herself bored with the lack of danger in her routine. Elsir Syniras - Auideen Elf Sorcerer of the Desert. Elsir has always been a bit of a cynic, but whereas his sarcasm used to permeate through the occasional comment or observation, it now tends to color everything he does. Jadren Tagar -A warm and friendly Taldan Human Fighter. Those who know him now can’t fathom the life he led before. Likewise, those from a past life would be shocked to see him today.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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