D&D Campaign Open world

D&D Campaign Open world

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20, D&D Beyond

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Come and play in a world were the groups actions can have a big affects on the world at large. Uncover the mystery's of this land or just be murder hobos and try not to get put in jail. I have 2 worlds that can host your party. One is an older world with lots of dungeons and history the other is a newer world that is less tamed. Both can be adjusted to work with what interest the group from action and combat to heavy roleplay and deep story driven games or a mix of both.



3 years on StartPlaying

585 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a mic and an account with both roll20, dndbeyond and discord. A computer and headphones is recommended as a phone or tablet can have bad feedback on sound and roll20s moble app does not have most of the functionality as the web page does. free accounts are fine. Web cam is optional but if the group prefers the use them we can. Please have a character idea ready we can make characters in our first session 0 or beforehand if the group would preferer.

What I provide

I will provide the battle maps and world maps a long with access to my books on dndbeyond for character creation. My wife can also draw up your characters for an additional cost.

Gameplay details

This game is a sand box style campaign. It is a world that is alive and can be affected by the players actions. The campaign can be tailored to what ever the group wants to do. I love to run role play heavy games or just an easy hack and slash game what ever the group would like. I am happy to help players come up with deeper backstory's and motivations for there characters if they would like. We will follow the rules as written but I am willing and happy to make adjustments as needed to help make the game more fun and enjoyable. If a player wants to do something that is not in the books or use something in interesting and fun I will usually allow it. I love to see people think out side the box and surprise me. We will use the lines and vails approach to content that is in the game. lines being things we will not do and vails being things that are allowed but we hint at but then fade to black for the scene not going into more detail. We the group will discuss what these things will be in the first session. We will use Roll20 for game play with maps, dice, and music. a mix of roll20 and dndbeyond and I highly recommend using beyond20 extension to link the 2. We will also use discord for voice chat and out of game discussions. All players will have access to my dndbeyond books and character sheets for the length of the campaign.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Breaks

  • Lines and Veils

  • Session 0

  • Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

This game will start at level 1-5 depending on what the group wants to do. We will discus prior to our first session what level to start and and what type of game style the group would like to play. Please have characters ready to play by the first session. If you need help making a character let me know I would be happy to help you get one ready before we start playing. If joining an ongoing campaign then I will help you get your character ready to play including helping you come up with or making your backstory fit into the game and world.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Medium

  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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