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Rise of the Runelords: Pathfinder 2e Campaign

Rise of the Runelords: Pathfinder 2e Campaign

Pathfinder 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The young settlement of Sandpoint has had its challenges but today all toil and trouble seem a world away as they celebrate the dedication of a new cathedral with the annual Swallowtail Festival. You find yourself enjoying free flowing casks of drinks from the local taverns, each with a specialty that puts the big city to shame. Seafood overflowing from the fisher’s net this morning now boiled and spiced to perfection. But wait, what is under that vendor's cart? And what is that song heard between the cheers of the crowd, goblins chew and goblins bite… Rise of the Runelords is the first published adventure for Pathfinder which fans have lovingly adapted for use in the current edition. It spans six chapters and will take brand new characters from level one to fifteen. We will be playing through the entire adventure over the course of multiple years. Don’t feel like you are expected to commit to several years of gaming, if you want to learn to play PF2e and can only commit to one month to start you are still in the right place! Brand new players are welcome as well as veterans to Pathfinder 2 or any other RPG system.

2 years on StartPlaying

9 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Rule of Cool

Additional Details

How to prepare

Cameras are not required but I will have mine on. Visuals can be helpful in communicating so all five of us aren't talking at the same time. That said please test you mic before to make sure it is loud enough and clear. Please take the time to find a picture we can use for your token. PNG or JPEG are best but we can work with other files if you need. Another option it to use HeroForge to make a 3d character that we can use to make a token. Everyone will need a free account on Players will have a chance to login to the server and set up their character or practice with some of mine to get used to using the software ahead of time.

What I provide

I will provide the server, rules, maps, virtual dice, and tokens . You will just need a free Forge account to access them. If your character lives for at least two sessions I will also help you design and 3d print your character to send to you!

Gameplay details

This game welcomes everyone regardless of their personal beliefs, life path, gender, sex, creed or any other protected status. As long as you can show respect we can be friends. This adventure touches on themes of domestic abuse, destructive obsessive behaviors, the loss of an unborn child, and misogyny. Please reach out if you would like to discuss if this adventure is a good fit based on these themes. There are a few ground rules to make sure everyone has a good time at the table. Take a few minutes to read though and make sure you can agree to follow these guidelines: Two major tools we will use to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves at all times are found below. X Card- If any player feels a need to stop and gather themselves for any reason they can invoke the x card. If there is discomfort we will pause and the player who used the x card can choose to discuss with the whole table, with the game master, or with nobody at. We will rewind to wherever they want and continue to play once everyone has gathered themselves. The X Card should be used early and often. If spiders give you the heebie jeebies use the X Card and we will find something else that can take their place. Uncomfortable with how a player is talking or acting, use the X Card to help everyone get on the same page. Veils and Lines- These tools help us address and avoid touchy topics before they find their way onto the table. Before the game actually begins take some time to think of subjects you don't want to deal with live during play (veils) and also, things you would prefer to not have happen even if it is in the background or “off screen” (lines). For me I have a veil in dealing with torture. I have no interest in finding out the ways my friends can think up to inflict serious pain on other people. In this case, torture may be mentioned in the story (perhaps the big bad does it) but if we get into a situation where the table would talk about torture during the game, we would instead skip ahead. Lines are topics that a player would rather not be included in the story at all. For me, animal abuse is something I feel doesn't add to a good story. So if a plot point would include animal abuse, instead, the game master will find another way of following the plotline or we will skip it entirely.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

We will use to create characters. Feel free to jump in and work on one on your own or if you want help you can message me. We will be able to chat on discord about character ideas but don't feel like you have to have everything perfect before we start. We will spend the first part of our initial meeting finalizing characters and establishing how we all know one another. If you are stuck I recommend by starting by finding a picture or figure that you think would be fun to work with. If you are still stuck send me a message and we will get something put together for the first session and take it from there.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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