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Spencer Merc Cove

2 years on StartPlaying

9 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Rule of Cool

About me

I've always loved the fantasy genre and got hooked young by amazing authors like Tolkien and Terry Brooks. The desperate circumstances, the wildness of magic, and heroes who saved others at their own personal cost. I'm still an avid reader but my favorite way by far to experience fantasy is by playing tabletop RPGs. I started playing RPGs with the Gauntlet where I learned to GM and play story focused games. Even now, playing more codified games like Pathfinder 2 I'm still looking for a story full of flawed but heroic people. As Game Master I take everyone's fun seriously. I use safety tools to help players be prepared for potential triggers and to work our way through them if they occur during the game. Every person is welcome at my table. Disrespect for people who look or live differently than you will not be tolerated. Sign up to play with me if you are looking for an epic story, a safe space, and a lot of excitement!

GM style

TLDR I run the game like modern movies are written jumping to the next best thing. We will roleplay and combat will be tough but neither will dominate the other. I don't do puzzles, never got them 😅. I focus on fiction first and love unearthing character personalities during down time. I don't think every situation requires combat nor do I believe every combat can be avoided. That said, when combat happens expect it to be challenging, tactical, and deadly. I like spending enough time on roleplay without overdoing it so the conversation doesn't become repetitive or meandering. I think of the game like modern screenwriters do, we will often wipe to the next interesting thing. I avoid spending time describing characters actions every 5 foot square. Instead we will rely on character rolls rather than player guesses or insight to run exploration.

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