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[Live Text][Enigma] Harbingers of Tyranny

[Live Text][Enigma] Harbingers of Tyranny

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on D&D Beyond, Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Naught will be left save shattered thrones, with no rulers but the dead. Dragons shall rule the world entire…” - Chronicle of Years to Come Delve into the depths of Tyranny and join the Cult of the Dragon, where you can work your way up the ranks, from a lowly acolyte to a powerful Wyrmspeaker, commanding the loyalty of dragons and leading them into battle. The Cult of the Dragon has been gathering treasure from across the Sword Coast, amassing an incredible hoard in preparation for the return of their queen goddess, Tiamat. They have delved into forbidden tombs and ancient ruins, risking life and limb to gather the wealth and artifacts they need to fulfill their prophecy. With their forces growing stronger by the day, they will be ready to release Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells and unleash her upon the world. The road to power, however, is fraught with danger and powerful enemies will stand in your way. Factions and heroes will stop at nothing to prevent the Cult's rise to power, and you must use all your cunning and might to overcome them. ◈ Take a wicked turn on the heroic Tyranny of Dragons campaign ◈ Explore the Sword Coast in a hunt for artifacts and allies ◈ Navigate and manipulate the delicate balance of politics in pursuit of your goals ◈ Forge alliances with Red Wizards, chromatic dragons, devils, corrupt rulers, and other powerful entities ◈ Face off against customized rivals that will challenge you and tie into your character's backstory This game is what is known a synchronous live-text experience in FoundryVTT. The Game Master will run the game via text and respond to the world through the same medium. This style of play means that players will use text to describe their character's actions, and the GM will use text to respond. This allows for a different experience, as players can focus on their characters' actions and reactions in real time, and the GM can better customize the world to suit the players' decisions. Enigmatic is running this campaign. Enigma is an incredible dungeon master and storyteller. His focus is on characters and character development; enriching the storyline by incorporating the player characters' backstories, and making it personal to them, working with players one-on-one to weave them into the story. When he runs a module, he does not run it entirely by the book; instead, he customizes it to fit the group. You will be getting a unique experience with this game, which he has written and developed. ⚔️ Discord Link: 🖼️ Credits: Cover art illustrated and composited by Dreams. Long-term members of the campaign will get character art done by him!

DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer

2 years on StartPlaying

879 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling

Average response time: 2 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

This game will be hosted on the Forge FoundryVTT. ✅ Download Discord: ✅ Join D&D Beyond: ✅ Link your D&D Beyond account to Discord: ✅ Forge account: When you join the Discord, let Enigma or Dreams know. We will get you started, including helping you to ensure that Foundry loads smoothly.

What I provide

Enigma brings an immersive, real-time text-based experience to life using FoundryVTT. FoundryVTT is a virtual tabletop platform designed for playing roleplaying games online, allowing players to create and customize their own virtual game table, complete with maps, tokens, and character sheets. This platform offers a tailored game experience. Dreams, a talented graphics designer, has created a customized interface for the game where players can easily view their characters, factions, the world map, and other game elements. To enhance the gaming experience, various add-ons have been incorporated into Foundry for combat and exploration. These include: ◈ Beautiful animations for spell effects and class features ◈ Easily roll dice for your character with a hover menu ◈ Dynamic lighting (lighting that changes in real time based on the player's actions or the game's environment) ◈ Dynamic doors that can be opened, closed or interacted with during gameplay. ◈ In-game shops to purchase various items depending on location. Enigma’s games also include: ◈ Music and atmosphere provided by the KenkuFM Discord bot - no downloads required ◈ Working closely with you to integrate your character backstory and create a unique experience. ◈ Adding a personal touch to the story and adapting it to your character's actions and interactions. This is a dynamic world, and the consequences of your party's choices will be felt. ◈ Providing your character with boons and magic items, and ramping up the difficulty of combat to make it exciting and challenging. Monsters will fight to win, but the DM will always root for your success. ◈ Developing NPCs with unique motivations and personalities who may aid or hinder the player characters. You can form friendships, rivalries, make enemies, and even potentially find love (with consent). ◈ Introducing customized heroic rivals that will oppose your party at every turn. ◈ Including additional monsters from reputable sources such as Kobold Press, Level Up 5E, Monster Manual Expanded, Flee Mortals, and 2CGaming. ◈ Incorporating custom (homebrew) content and systems, both from the DM and third-party sources. ◈ Offering pre-generated characters or concepts in case you prefer not to create your own.

Gameplay details

🏳️‍🌈♾️👨🏾‍🦲 This is a safe table for people of all types. Dreams is trans and queer, Enigma is LGBTQIA+, and we are both neurodivergent. We hope to make a place where all can feel accepted, regardless of race, gender, beliefs. 👨🏾‍🦲♾️🏳️‍🌈 As this is an evil campaign, it is important to establish clear boundaries and communication between the players and the game master. All players should feel safe and comfortable in exploring their characters' evil tendencies within the context of the game, but it is important that everyone is aware of and respects the limits set by each other. We will utilize check-ins, and players are encourage to use safety cards and lines & veils when they need them. If anyone is feeling uncomfortable, we will pause the game and work things out. Safety tools will always be in effect; this game is a safe and inclusive place. We will use safety cards, Monte-Cooke consent form, lines and veils, and any other safety tools the group needs. Both Enigma and Dreams are neurodiverse and LGBTQIA+, and seek to provide a safe table for all players. Accessibility is a big part of the game, and accommodations will be made to meet your needs so that you can have fun. The following will NOT be featured in our games: ◈ Sexual Assault/Non-Consensual Sex ◈ Exploitation of Minors ◈ Explicit mature content [will always fade to black] ◈ Real life imagery of sabotage/destruction [GIFs, Photos, and Videos] ◈ Player-on-Player gaslighting, bullying, or negativity ◈ Player-on-Player TRASH [transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia] behavior This is a live text campaign. Synchronous live text is a way of playing roleplaying games online that uses text-based communication instead of voice. You connect with other players and the game master through a messaging platform or app, and use the software's text-based features to interact with each other and the game world. You describe your character's actions, thoughts, and dialogue through text, while the GM can provide descriptions of the environment, non-player characters (NPCs), and other important elements of the story. FoundryVTT will also include visual aids such as maps, tokens, and images. This type of gameplay can be a fun and flexible way to participate in roleplaying games, especially for those who prefer text-based communication or who are unable to use voice chat. Combat will move smoothly thanks to addons, and what Foundry has to offer will add to immersion. ‼️ DISCLAIMER: It is extremely stormy in the area this time of year. We will let you know in as far advance if possible if we will need to reschedule.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

We welcome any official D&D content, as long as it fits within the setting. If it's from another setting, please provide some context. We are also open to custom/third-party content (homebrew) in long-term campaigns. Homebrew races and subclasses are allowed, but we reserve the right to adjust them if they are too powerful. This includes dragons—chromatic and gem variety are especially accepted. This campaign is an evil one, so characters must have an evil or neutral alignment. Characters will have the opportunity to join the Cult of the Dragon and work their way up the ranks. The cultists believe that Tiamat, the queen goddess of evil dragons, will cleanse the world and bring about a new era of draconic supremacy. They see themselves as the chosen ones who will serve as Tiamat's loyal servants and advisors in this new world order. When creating your character, please keep in mind the following guidelines: ✅ You will start at Level 1 and progress to Level 2 quickly. ✅ You can choose a free feat from Level 1. Variant Human/Custom Lineage characters get an extra magic weapon. ✅ You can use point-buy (27) or standard-array for your stats. ✅ You will start with one uncommon magic item and two common ones. ✅ You will receive starting gear + 100GP. If you don't want to create a character, we have pre-generated characters available, or we can work with you to create the character you want. We also offer consumable purchases, including: 🔹 Healing potions: Healing (50gp), Greater Healing (100gp), Superior Healing (500gp), and Supreme Healing (1000gp) 🔹 Potions: Climbing (75gp), Animal Friendship (100gp), Water Breathing (100gp), and Invisibility (5000gp) 🔹 Scrolls: Cantrip (25gp), 1st level (75gp), 2nd level (150gp), 3rd level (300gp), 4th level (500gp), and 5th level (1000gp)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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