Journey Within Desira, Write Your Own Story!

Journey Within Desira, Write Your Own Story!

D6 System on Tabletop Simulator

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to Desira, a low fantasy (Low Magicka setting, where Magicka is not fully understood and sometimes even feared) Medieval setting. The world is the party's oyster, and how each character fits into it will always be unique and complicated, with different motives and goals that each are trying to fulfill. What will bring this band of adventurers together? Who could tell. Rampant highwaymen attacks, mysterious wolf habitats destroyed, or even restoring corrupted, Iniquity filled land to how it once was and more!

3 years on StartPlaying

18 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need Tabletop Simulator, Headphones and a mic, Discord for voice chat. I have Google Documents that I will connect them to as well as a Discord Server where I will host our sessions. These sessions are completely virtual, so everything will be kept and managed online.

What I provide

Everything is virtual, but I will connect the players to the content found on my google drive.

Gameplay details

My games typically focus on the players and what their characters' goals and needs are during gameplay. I also try to tie that into the campaign story that I run so that it all seems to meld together. I try to have games as close to skeletal as possible to allow for easy Sandbox flow, this allows my players to decide what happens during the games even when I have a Campaign that we are following.

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How will character creation work

I would like to find a long standing party, so ideally we would start characters off at level 1 and build from there. Depending on if we lose a character mid-campaign, we would add another player into the game at the current level of everyone else. For character creation, that is a process between the DM (Me!) and the player within Discord. I'll help each player create their character using the Timeline Method, so all the players need to have is a light idea of what they would like to play as their characters.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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