Gang Enforcement

Gang Enforcement

Pathfinder 2e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This game is going to take place in Absalom, the City at the center of the world. You will be one of six members of an enforcement group in the gang called the Warhounders. Your tasks will be to extort money out of local shop-keeps, smuggling illegal drugs and wares, human trafficking out and to the city itself. The driving force of the game is that your gang leader has set their sights on expansion, and although not their normal shtick, you are loyal and they have never steered you wrong before. So you will take corners, acquire new shops to 'protect' and fight back against other gangs, All while trying to stay out of the lazy eyes of the city watch. This is not meant to be a game with good characters, but the only alignment that I won't be allowing is Lawful Good, however the story goes is based on the player interactions and desires. It is a psudo-sandbox where there is a primary story that will push the players forward, but as a GM I always respond and alter the story based on any and all content that my players provide me with. So even though there is a strict beginning, the middle is fuzzy and the ending could be nearly anything (although I already have a few things in mind depending on the party.) If you would like more information on the game, here is a player primer for what to expect:

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Knows the Rules, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

Please have a webcam and mic, if not for a webcam, mic is a minimum requirement. I will not belabor anyone who does not have a camera, as long as everyone is engaged and open about how they are feeling engaged with the story and game then that is all that's needed. Character sheets will be created in Foundry, as well as there might be another program used in the future (if it releases). Just please download the Foundry demo if you do not have it already, and have a Discord account. Any player who is new to Pathfinder, do not fear, just come and attempt to play, I have taught many new players in PF2 and it's not that terrifying of a system as it may seem at first.

What I provide

I will bring everything else, my expertise, my Foundry server, a discord server to organize and allow the players to talk to each other out of the session. Everyone should expect that I have the book and most of the rules on hand memorized. If the players have this information as well that's amazing, but I only expect my players to be masters of their characters, and not the system itself.

Gameplay details

This game will have a session 0.5, it's a term borrowed from FATE based systems, meaning that during session zero we will create and develop characters and sheets at the table together. Get to understand how to use the tabletop and the server that will be set up. Set up any specific boundries that are not addressed as things that might happen in the game. And then have a short half session where we actually embody characters and play a bit, just to get a feel of things and make sure there isn't anything left that we have to do. I have a link for the actual starting players guide for this game here: Please look over it and come up with some ideas. Yes it's incomplete technically, Absalom is a huge city with many districts and subdistricts, and many canon named NPC's that exist. I did not want to overburden the players before starting with information that may not be readily apparent or important. So this is what is to be started with as a primer.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Character creation will happen in Session 0, please bring some ideas as to what you might want to do at the table, and if anything, don't actually create a character before the first session, but rather, please come up with who the character was, or might have been. And we can all as a party create the characters together.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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