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Tall Tales on Black Sails

Tall Tales on Black Sails

Pirate Borg on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 4.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Recently a gold rush of sorts has been launched in the Caribbean, recent earthquakes have unearthed entrances to ancient tombs and vaults, and other bastions of an age predating recorded history. That's where you come in. Tired of surviving according to someone else's rules and hearing about this chance to make a life for yourself, you have headed to the Caribbean to find your own piece. The Dark Caribbean: A grimdark campaign setting in the early 18th century Caribbean Sea. It’s on Earth, just not ours. Magic is raw, powerful, dark, dangerous, and thwarted by cold iron. Combat can be deadly Survivors are legendary Exploration is rewarding The world looks beautiful, but is a dark and terrible place The question is what are you looking for? Live your Pirate Fantasy Steal a Ship ( Ships are vehicles, homebases, and characters) Explore Ancient Ruins Engage Roving Skeleton Ships Use Ancient and dangerous magic to turn the tide. Explore war ravished Wastelands and Fay controlled forests. Player controlled direction and advancement. (You "get better" when you can afford to train, and have someone to do so) Horizontal progression through gear. Build Strongholds to protect your hard earned loot.


1 year on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Creativity, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need a Webcam and a mic as well as a free discord ( account and a free account with The Forge ( The Forge will handle all dice rolling and keep your character sheets safe. Any art players want for their characters tokens. Familiarity with the rules helps but is not required. A longing for Adventure and willingness to work on a team to get it. Principles for players: Agency: � Attributes and related saves do not define your character. They are tools. � Don’t ask only what your character would do, ask what you would do, too. � Be creative with your intuition, items, and connections. Teamwork: � Seek consensus from the other players before barreling forward. � Stay on the same page about goals and limits, respecting each other and accomplishing more as a group than alone. Caution: � Fighting is a choice and rarely a wise one; consider whether violence is the best way to achieve your goals. � Try to stack the odds in your favor and retreat when things seem unfavorable. Exploration: � Asking questions and listening to detail is more useful than any stats, items, or skills you have. � Take the Warden’s description without suspicion, but don’t shy away from seeking more information. � There is no single correct way forward. Talking: � Treat NPCs as if they were real people, and rely on your curiosity to safely gain information and solve problems. � You'll find that most people are interesting and will want to talk things through before getting violent. Planning: � Think of ways to avoid your obstacles through reconnaissance, subtlety, and fact-finding. � Do some research and ask around about your objectives. Ambition: � Set goals and use your meager means to take steps forward. � Expect nothing. Earn your reputation. � Keep things moving forward and play to see what happens.

What I provide

I will bring a hand crafted world that uses Pirate/Mork/Cy Borg. Pirate Borg Premium with its built in rules for the game and tavern character generator as well as its introductory zone. Custom maps, a deep understanding of the rules as well as all required books, Fully walled VTT dungeons set to token line of sight, Fleshed out and voiced NPCs ( I'm no Mercer but i give it my best), and a living world that's always changing based on PC actions and always moving regardless of the PCs as well.

Gameplay details

Players can expect a player driven campaign, filled with danger and faced paced combat where character death is always a possibility. To ensure all players feel comfortable I will hold a session zero with each new player and we will go over their personal triggers and needs. The feel of the game ranges from Pirates of the Caribbean to Evil Dead 2/ Army of darkness to Dark Souls/Berserk. With a healthy dose of Lovecraftian cosmic horror. Exploration is a major theme and players can expect the freedom to go where they please, as long as they have the supplies to reach it. I will send everyone who joins the Discord Link there they will find The Monty Cook consent checklist, as well as have a place to talk with fellow pirates and plan their next adventure. During Session zero i will go over the house rules i use as well as go ove the consent list with everyone so we are all on the same page. I run a safe and inclusive table. Harrassment and unsafe play is not tolerated.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

All Characters will start as lvl 1 and use The Tavern character creator built into the Foundry VTT game. This way new characters can be created in a matter of seconds. e.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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