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Basic Fantasy OSR BFRPG No Rails GoogleCharacterSheets  Old School Session Retro Clone d&d

Basic Fantasy OSR BFRPG No Rails GoogleCharacterSheets Old School Session Retro Clone d&d

BASIC Fantasy, OSR Games on Discord, Owlbear Rodeo

Price per player-session
You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: None

Price per player-session

About the adventure

We start in the Western Lands near a sort of "keep on the borderlands" known as Morgansfort. The borderlands being the area in dispute, between monster and man, good and evil. The discovery of gold a century past and great farmlands in this area keep the area in dispute as mankind tries to regain what it had lost in the last 100 years. Lots of nearby adventure to cut your teeth on. Or you can leave. Travel deeper into the southern swamp to where you've heard of the Caves of Chaos. Maybe even find the legendary mines of Gunderholfen. In the north lies the ocean and the powerful Martel Trading company who have legitimized their piracy through bribes of gold and slaves. They're always looking to hire (or Shanghai) your arse. Some of these sailors tell BS stories about desert hot spring islands full of gold. Your characters don't necessarily know all this and it could change slightly depending on courses you guys take. I'm a big fan of drive thru rpg and all the OSR materials I can get there. I may even let you guy recommend stuff to me after trust is built. I've heard that OSR style games are right wing or anti-woke. This was certainly not true back in the day, as the leaders of the satanic panic were right wingers (and I'll never forget it). I am left leaning if anything when you talk with me, but I try not to get political at all in the game. I welcome Gay, Straight, Black, White, Asian, Indian, Muslim, Christian, Socially Awkward or whatever. There are no rails so you can do anything you want, but if you bully other players too much, or are too much of a nuisance, the gods will literally come down and smack you.

Professional Game Master

Jake the Giant Killer





39 years as a TTRPG player

39 years as a Game Master

0 games hosted

Brings Everything needed to run a basic fantasy classic campaign. Plus OSR modules to run including Hot Springs Island, Gunderholfen, various OSE and BFRPG modules to the table

Jake the Giant Killer profile

Additional Details

How to prepare

Basic Fantasy is a free ruleset. I could sing it's praises for days but you should probably just google it. Physical books are printed at cost, so the core book costs like $5 on amazon. Go to basicfantasy dot org and have a look. Make sure you at least download the core rules, but people have made all kinds of cool home brew quick start guides and tablet rules and such. If you're a "shopper" you might want to familiarize yourself with some of the weapons or items before hand so we don't spend half the session at the hardware store. If you're a "super shopper" you should download the Equipment Emporium and go nuts. You don't NEED a camera, but you do need a mic that I can hear. If you do go on camera that would be awesome though. I'll be on camera, to share my sexiness, but mostly so you can see my body language. The players may want to read Charlotte's Web or something, because death happens in this game! You know what happens when you get poisoned in this game? YOU DIE. Backup characters are recommended.

What I provide

I'll use maps in owlbear rodeo that I've found and purchased. Use rules, modules, and maps from drivethru rpg when situations call for them. Found a basic fantasy google sheet for a character sheet, but am willing to use something better.. This will be the real old school experience, but with that comes an old-school GM who is particular about his game.

Gameplay details

The game is rated R for mature audiences. Probably something like Conan the Barbarian and probably not as bad as game of thrones. If you will get triggered from a D&D game you might want to avoid this one. For content warnings I just added everything because villain's exist in this world. If StartPlaying tells me you've choose my game, I'll send you my discord server link where we can do most of our communication. Chat does work on here though, so feel free to send any questions. I use google spreadsheets for character sheets. I share the sheet with you and give you editing permission. We can see changes in real time. Sorry if you hate google. I use owlbear rodeo because it does it's one job and uses less resources. It may be possible to play my campaign entirely on a cell phone, but I would recommend a pc. We are starting with BASIC fantasy "vanilla". As we progress we can start dropping in "add-ons" that make the game more "Advanced". (two weapon fighting, more races, classes, etc.). If you want to "nerd out" and check out the optional mechanics at basicfantasy dot org, go ahead. Maybe we can get something going early if you're that enthusiastic about the other character options..

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Hard method on everything. Down the line. Just kidding, we didn't even really do that back in the day, lol. I'll need to witness your rolls, probably through our discord dice roller. Shady shenanigans will be dismissed out of hand. I'll let you switch 2 scores, but it's still 3d6 down the line, in order. You can always trade 2 points from one score to 1 point on another score. If your character TOTALLY sucks we'll just call him a farmer and let you make a new one. Start at max hp for lvl 1. Am I not merciful? If you don't understand what I wrote above, don't worry about it. I'll go through it with you. We can do this easily while playing if you guys mellow out on the shopping, lol.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: None

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