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Cold Blood on the Scorching Sand | POC/ LGBT Friendly!

Cold Blood on the Scorching Sand | POC/ LGBT Friendly!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | One-Shot

About the adventure

As a devastating war engulfed the Timespun Sands, the grand city of Kazbat Azzaman became the safe haven for refugees seeking asylum. But the promise of safety within the city may just be an empty one: a wave of mysterious murders and disappearances has shaken the residents to their core, and no one knows who’ll be the next victim. Can you solve these heinous crimes and earn gold and glory, or fall prey to a laughable menace? This standalone oneshot for 3rd, 8th, or 13th-level characters is published by Loot Tavern (the writers of Heliana's Guide and Ryoko's Guide), and is inspired by North African and Middle Eastern mythology. Learn clues to better defeat your enemy, and perhaps try new character options, such as the camelkin race, or the falconer rogue!

Game style

Combat Heavy

“Combat Heavy” games emphasize the combat mechanics within their systems over roleplay or puzzle solving. There are frequent and longer battles with enemies and a greater emphasis on tactical game play.

Rule of Cool (RoC)

“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.

Recruiting notes

This oneshot will also be designed for 8th-level characters.


4 years on StartPlaying

180 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Teacher

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Player will need to create their characters at level 13 before the session's start, though I am happy to help! Players will need a Roll20 account and a discord account. While it's recommended, players aren't required to read the rules ahead of time. I'm happy to explain things as we go and provide guidance on how the game works if needed. Having a microphone is required for voice communication during the game, but a webcam is optional.

What I provide

I use Roll20 for virtual tabletop, which includes maps, tokens, and handouts to visualize the game world. In addition, I'm happy to provide a small handful of pre-generated characters with options from Loot Tavern. I use music and sound effects to enhance the atmosphere and immerse players in the game world. I enjoy doing character voices and providing vivid descriptions to set the mood for each scene. While I generally stick to the rules, I'm willing to bend or break them if it enhances the fun and enjoyment of the players. I believe that the most important thing is that everyone has a good time, so I prioritize fun over strict adherence to the rules (Fun > Rules). Overall, I'm a laid-back and fun GM who is dedicated to crafting a compelling story with my players. I strive to create a collaborative and enjoyable experience for everyone at the table.

Gameplay details

During the game, I ask players to type 'Red, Yellow, Green' in the Roll20 chat to indicate their current comfort level with the content. Red means stop, yellow means pause, and green means all good. I schedule a 10-minute break in the middle of each session to give everyone, including myself, a short rest and a chance to recharge. After each session, I conduct a short debriefing where players can discuss with me what they liked, what they didn't like, and what they're most excited about for future oneshots and campaigns. This helps me tailor the game to better suit their preferences and ensure everyone is having a good time.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Characters will be created at levels 3, 8, or 11 (determine by the dm in the recruiting notes). All players will start with standard equipment. 3rd level characters will get an additional 50 gp; 8th level characters will get an additional 600 gp and one magic item; 13th level character will get an additional 5,500 gp, two uncommon magic items, and one rare magic item. I use point-buy for stat generation to ensure fairness and balance among characters. Players will have the flexibility to allocate their points according to their desired character build. Players can refer to any official D&D books for character creation, but any homebrew or third-party content must approved by me. This ensures consistency and balance within the game world.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Once / Friday - 12:00 AM UTC

Mar 21

4-5 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages

This game will begin once 3 players have joined