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Eberron: Forgotten Relics and Oracle of War: All Players Welcome

Eberron: Forgotten Relics and Oracle of War: All Players Welcome

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

This will be an epic foray into the world of Eberron! For the uninitiated, it's a steampunk-esque, magic-tech world just reeling from the terrible end to the Last War, which ended 5 years ago. Forgotten Relics will take you through the city of Sharn from the depths of the Cogs, to the heights of the Mithral District, from riding on air coaches to fighting on top of a train that rides lightning rails! Oracle of War is an Eberron campaign taking you into the Mournlands as scavengers trying to make it big, but be warned, something was found that should stay out of the wrong hands... Are you brave enough to face the challenge?

Game style

Rule of Cool (RoC)

“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.

Recruiting notes

This is a very long-form adventure campaign! The last time I ran this campaign it took over a year to finish. There's lots of opportunities for roleplay, combat, and even some puzzle solving along the way!


2 years on StartPlaying

110 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

We will be playing on Roll20 and using Discord for voice chat. Dice rolls will be digital on either Roll20, or via a browser extension like Beyond20. As such, a mic will be needed. Having a knowledge of the Eberron campaign setting is nice, but not necessary. Discord link and Roll20 links will be provided once you join!

What I provide

I will provide all professional VTT maps with lighting and light background music (where and when appropriate). Any handouts will be provided via Roll20. I am big on doing voices for characters and NPCs and even some monsters (I've been told my kobold and goblin are particularly funny). Very big on Rule of Cool, and I'm the kind of DM that likes to say "Yes!" as much as possible. It is recommended, although not required, to own "Eberron: Rising From the Last War" on, as there is content there that is only found with that resource. Of course, if you cannot get to work, I can make a character sheet for you up on Roll20 if that's your jam. About Me: I have been a dungeon master for over 25 years and have DM'd for every addition since first edition AD&D (even the infamous 4th Edition!). I am always known as the forever DM because I rarely play. Why is that? Well, because I really love to DM! It is my passion and, as at least I've been told, because I'm good at it. I love doing adventures of all kinds. I've done pre-published stuff, of which I own everything wizards of the Coast has put out for 5e, I have tons of first and second edition stuff that I convert over to 5e, and I love creating homebrew stuff. I will also cater to your playstyle! Like combat? I'll give you combat. Like puzzles or role play? I'll give them to you! Like your background to be integrated into the story? Done. I have done and will do it all. What I Bring to The Table (both literally and figuratively!) -An professional, fair, and (most of all) fun experience, from an experienced and professional DM -Beautiful and professional maps complete with dynamic lighting and ambient music when appropriate -An exciting narrative story where you, the players, are the center of attention -No large groups! My max is 6 and my minimum is 3; I tailor the experience to the number of players at the table! -Play what you want, not necessarily what the party "needs," I also tailor the experience based on the player characters! I hope to see you soon!

Gameplay details

We'll start with a session 0 and go over a little bit about the campaign as well as any hard limits on what content you're good or not good with. This is a very action packed campaign so hang on for the ride of your life! I have a total and completely open door policy. If something rubs you wrong, all I ask is that you PM me and we can take a break and you and I can talk whatever issue you're having out. I ask that you give me the chance to fix an issue before dropping if something hits you wrong.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Character creation guidelines are thus: 1) Level 1 2) Eberron and PHB content only 3) Characters need to be on and sent to me prior to gameplay if at all possible, or on Roll20 (if on Roll20, PM me and I'll get you a character sheet set up there). 4) Standard array 5) Standard Gear (magic items to be doled out upon joining) 6) No evil characters please That all said, you are not necessarily expected to have your character completed at Session 0, as I know many players will want to possibly coordinate, so don't worry about not having a character totally fleshed out at session 1.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Friday - 5:00 PM UTC

Mar 28 / Session 2

3-4 Hour duration

3 / 6 Seats filled


Fri, Mar 28 | 5:00 PM - Session 2


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages