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The Dragon of Icespire Peak: A Family-Friendly Adventure

The Dragon of Icespire Peak: A Family-Friendly Adventure

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

Is your child showing nerdy tendencies? Are they very into magic, dungeons, and/or dragons? Showing an aptitude for storytelling? Let's teach them D&D! 'll teach you and your kid/kids how to make characters, play in the game, and generally channel your chaos and imagination into a game that allows you and your child/children to work with the rest of the party to accomplish overarching goals (fight dragons). We'll be playing the module Dragon of Icespire Peak, a Forgotten Realms adventure, but will likely venture into homebrew (made-up) story before long. Everything will be family-friendly and you (the parent) and I will have a conversation or two to make sure the game is not only safe for your child, but interesting and exciting for everyone. Feel free to message me to ask any questions, and get ready for adventure! I will need at least one parent to be present with your child, just to make sure everyone is comfortable and safe. We'll spend at least one session going over the basics of making characters, and I'll walk you through every step of making a character. The first few sessions will be a gentle introduction to the rules and how to play the game before we jump feet-first into a land of magic, swordfighting, and chaos!



Less than a year on StartPlaying

100 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Teacher

Average response time: 4 hours

Response rate: 100%

Game Master Reviews (13)


Players say this GM is great at:




Ian Zupans avatar

Ian Zupans

New review

Played 18 sessions

Sam is awesome! A great teacher. Very passionate about gaming! I enjoy Sam’s campaign and look forward to joining more after this one concludes. Best part you can play how you want to( obviously with in reason) that doesn’t happen a lot with dnd or at least with my previous GMs it didn’t. The improvisational talents are one of the reasons I keep coming back week after week. They want you to have fun at the end of the session!

Bryan Robert Conant avatar

Bryan Robert Conant

Played 25 sessions

Sam has been great both in communications outside the game and in the game. Sam's ability to blend source material into the homebrew that we're all using has been top notch. I look forward to all my other sessions with them.

Val  avatar


Played 26 sessions

Sam is amazing! Where to begin? The constant fun? Check, the absolutely amazing explanation of rules? Check! Making sure people are safe and having fun? Check! They are awesome for new players and they never make you feel silly for asking questions. I have had nothing but a positive experience with them and I look forward to the shenanigans we get up to every weekend!

Chazz Martinez avatar

Chazz Martinez

Played 6 sessions

Sam is super inclusive to new players. They’ve really helped me to begin to understand DnD and honestly I’ve had a blast so far on the red rising campaign. They explain everything down to a T and they’re super supportive on trying to get you to understand everything! They also let us players be super creative and not feel locked to doing/not doing certain things in a certain way

Mike avatar


Played 25 sessions

Sam is an absolite sweetheart and its been an absolute pleasure getting to know them. The games weve played have been really engaging and everyone involved seems to have a great time. Sams been really attentive and looked after me as a nervous newbie while simultaneously dealing with my ADHD info dumping. Currently playing a completely home brewed campaign and the level of detail and prep work that theyve put in is insane! If youre looking for somebody imaginative, whos willing to tweak and work with players to make sure they're getting what they need from a game. Then get in touch with Sam!

Miguel avatar


Played 9 sessions

This is my first ever DND experience and I am so happy to have Sam as my DM to help guide me along the way. They are very helpful and patient when it comes to explaining the rules and answering questions. They are also amazing at collaborating with the players when it comes to ideas about either a movement, spell, or a lore about your character and honor the "rule of cool" which I love! I recommend Sam 10/10.

Additional details

How to prepare

Just bring yourself and your internet connection! I will be on camera, but that is not required. We will mostly play with voice, and a computer monitor of some sort will be needed to see the TaleSpire terrains where we'll do battle. Otherwise, just you, you child, and all the creativity you can muster!

What I provide

I bring custom maps for getting around, TaleSpire maps for combats and encounters, plenty of silly voices, and a lifetime of storytelling experience. I play heavily off of the wants and creations of my players, so the game will be molded by all of you. Character sheets will be on D&D Beyond, and everything else will be run through Discord.

Gameplay details

In session 0, we'll go over the basics of character creation, the basics of gameplay, and what we all expect out of each other at the table. We'll also talk about things we want to see and don't want to see in the game. All players are absolutely welcome to leave the table (open door) if they're feeling uncomfortable, and I will make sure to understand the discomforting elements and eliminate them from the game. We will be taking breaks throughout to make sure everyone is happy. In addition, everyone is welcome to message me at any time for any reason.

Content warnings

• G-rated

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

We'll do character creation together! I'll spend part of Session 0 (session before the campaign begins) explaining how to make characters, and will walk each player through individually until everyone has a character they're excited to play.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


D&D Beyond

Tale Spire


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Bi-weekly / Sunday - 3:00 PM UTC

1.5-2 Hour duration

0 / 8 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages

This game will begin once 3 players have joined