🌌 PERPLEXELLEL | Wild D&D 5e Campaign
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
‘This reality is not all that can exist. Beyond it’s veil lies infinite worlds and possibilities. Your suits are specifically designed to take you there. To everything. Don’t worry, your pay will be appropriate for this level of danger. We’ve also taken the extra step to cover any costs associated with subject fatalities. Now then, let the Perplexellel Experiment begin.’ A prominent scientist deep within the Meister Mind testing chambers welcomes new recruits to her latest project. Their mission: To stop a collateral entity who threatens the very fabric of all realities. Did you sign up for this experiment willingly? Were you forcibly required to take part in order to pay off some debt? Or is there some other deeper reasoning for your involvement? Before the game starts, each character will have agreed (either under duress or not) to be a part of the experiment. They will be outfitted with a special ‘substance suit’ and put under a sleep spell to be transported from their current world/location to the deep underground laboratories of the Meister Minds. PERPLEXELLEL is a wild campaign with some crazy homebrew rules, like mass wild surges, alien outfits, and weird worlds to explore. Characters can expect to grow from level 5 up to...well. Who knows. The possibilities are endless...
Welcome to the experiment! Be ready to dive into collateral realities every Monday @ 8PM EST. Please be sure to message me if you have any requests/questions, I'll respond asap.
Additional tables
1 available
Weekly / Sunday - 8:00 PM UTC
0 / 6 Seats filled
Additional details
How to prepare
All players require a clear working mic and a stable internet connection. Video is not necessary but always appreciated (it's nice to see the faces of the people you're talking to). All players should have a basic understanding of the rules (Basic 5th edition rules can be found online for free), and I will do my best to assist when questions arise. Roll20 as well as Discord account (both free) are necessary. Familiarity with Roll20 encouraged but not required. ==FRIEND REFERRAL PROGRAM== Save on your sessions by referring a friend! By referring someone to come and play along in a campaign that you are a part of, both of you will save on each of your session costs. - Once you invite a friend, for each session you and your friend play, you get a $2 discount and your friend gets a $1 discount. - For your friend, the $1 discount lasts the length of the campaign, even if you're not able to play for a session. - If you invite 3 friends for example, you could get the discount equivalent of one free session PER MONTH. Save big by inviting friends to the party!
What I provide
We will be largely using Roll20, expect high quality maps for both exploration and combat as well as plenty of music/ambience to help build the mood. DM uses Voicemod to bring characters and settings to life. Access to rulebooks and content provided when needed if available.
Gameplay details
Expect a fairly laid back wacky hombrew D&D experience. We will be using a few homebrew mechanics on top of the standard D&D 5e (2024) rules system. I love to bring player actions to life, even during combat to help weave imagery in our minds. I tend to be pretty laid back in terms of allowing players to engage with the world however they wish, provided it does not impede on the fun of others at the virtual table. Will try to stick to the Rules as Written when possible, but plenty of opportunities to use the Rule of Cool. PC romance between NPC's is allowed with a fade-to-black principle for any hard romance scenes. PC romance between PC's is typically not encouraged unless discussed beforehand and both parties consent. Evil characters are not encouraged but allowed provided they do not directly hinder the party and actively contribute to it. Expect brief post session chats to discuss player feelings and iron out any issues during the session. If I notice a player issue I will speak with them privately to work it out, but will not hesitate in removing that person if they continue to be a problem for the table. Ensuring a welcoming, fun and positive atmosphere is an absolute must for my players. During Session 0 we will introduce ourselves, discuss the expectations and general rules of the game along with potential homebrew options, share information about the homebrew plane and begin to build your characters. We will start at level 5, with any official race/class option available, as well as homebrew options provided I give the okay. We will also use this time to discuss the intro to the campaign story to build player buy-in and help everyone plot out your own character backgrounds + potential story threads you'd like to see in the future for your character. Content warnings will be discussed during this session, expect the normal range found in most high fantasy worlds.
Content warnings
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Session 0
How will character creation work
Character creation will be discussed via Discord during Session 0. Players will be creating a character starting at level 5 using any of the official material available from places such as D&DBeyond. Homebrew options potentially allowed. Expect your characters to grow to level 10 or so depending on how the campaign plays out.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• D&D Beyond
• Discord
• Roll20
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Tuesday - 12:00 AM UTC
Mar 25 / Session 3
3-3 Hour duration
4 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+