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Ghibli Journey BOOK ONE: Tale of Kindness - 🐉Ryuutama🐉

Ghibli Journey BOOK ONE: Tale of Kindness - 🐉Ryuutama🐉

Ryuutama | Campaign

About the adventure

Calling All Adventurers! There’s trouble in the Crystal-heart Mountains, and Dragonfly Vale needs your help! A little thunder dragon landed in your yard, bringing an urgent message: something ancient and dangerous has awakened in the magitek ruins, and winter is closing in fast. If we don’t act quickly, the village—and the harmony between humans and dragons—might be lost. This is the perfect chance to dive into the whimsical world of Ryuutama! Picture breathtaking mountains, magical creatures, and a story filled with hope, kindness, and discovery. You’ll solve mysteries, brave snowy trails, and maybe even make some dragon friends along the way. Whether you’re an experienced adventurer or brand-new to RPGs, you’re welcome here. Let’s tell an unforgettable story together! It will be the first out of three adventures in this movie-like story. 🧭Embark on an epic journey through nature-filled, post-apocalyptic lands in the immersive world of Ryuutama!⛺ ⛈️Prepare for a perilous endeavor as you face monsters and unpredictable weather🌡️ 🏯Unleash your collective imagination as you create settings and settlements🛖 📖Are you ready to write your own story?📖 About the game: ❇️FUN>STORY>RULES❇️ 🌈 LGBTQ+ friendly and a safe space for everyone 🌈 🎆I love player creativity and encourage it every step of the way🎆 Welcome to the world of “Ryuutama” the natural fantasy RPG!



2 years on StartPlaying

281 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Teacher

Game Master Reviews (19)


Players say this GM is great at:




OldSkoolHolmez avatar


Played 23 sessions

To put it simple, Jack is an awesome GM. Playing with him is gonna always be a good time. Whether your adventure is lighthearted or more on the darker side, the game will be fun, challenging, and exciting. His willingness to work with the player to create a narrative/story that both fits the world you're playing and bends to make room for your characters, is top tier. You won't ever feel like you're being forced to do something that goes against your vision or play style. Most importantly Jack is an all around super chill good guy. He'll joke with you (not all of them land per say lol) and he'll support you during a rough patch in the game. There's no feeling of GM vs player superiority focus when dealing with him. Just a mutual respect and understanding. To review, Jack awesome GM and fun times ahead when you play with him. 10 out of 10.

Aaron avatar


Played 9 sessions

I jumped into the game halfway through the campaign. Jack transitioned me and my character into the game seamlessly. He had a discussion with me before joining to help me create a character that would work with the game. We settled on a "guide" type character who could help the players with the next part of the adventure. It gave my character a good reason to join the adventure. Even though I joined halfway through, there was a lot of character development. My character got to reconcile with their old academy bullies, rebuild their relationship with their family, and prove to their peers that they are more than an immature child. I was able to tell a good coming-of-age story with this character. Sessions would regularly end on intense cliffhangers that would keep us wanting to come back for more. He allowed us the freedom to do what we wanted and seamlessly pulled us back in line to keep the setting believable. The narrative stops were few, but when they happened, Jack was great at communicating to the players on how to move through areas where the story got stuck. The games always ran and finished on time; he is very good at time management. I won't forget this game, Jack is a brilliant storyteller. Highly recommended!

Ryan avatar


Played 2 sessions

Very welcoming and accomodating, and puts in a lot of work into putting together the setting and story to ensure that players have a great time. :)

Skivx avatar


Played 52 sessions

This is my first ever ttrpg campaign (and first real ttrpg game experience), and my first real experience with a gm. I am glad it is with Jack. He is very receptive to player ideas, while coming up with and incorporating and blending his own ideas with his player's ideas. He's great at guiding players through the ins and outs of the mechanics of the systems to help new players get a handle on things. There's plenty more I could say, but for now I will just leave it at I am happy with Jack as a gm, and wish I could've started doing this sooner. :)

Livvy!! avatar


Played 54 sessions

I've been having sessions with Jack for about half a year now and all I can say is that he is such a treat to worldbuild and play with, it's just as fun to joke with him as it is to laugh at him and I'd recommend him to anyone that loves a good story or is in dire need of a good chuckle. His worldbuilding and mind maps keeps our info together, the ambiance/music is on fleek and his character's and character voices are fun and varied But disregarding all of that good stuff, at his core playing a game with him makes me feel like he cares deeply. both about the quality of the story and the enjoyment of the players. What a guy, I couldn't wish for more

Benn avatar


Played 13 sessions

This man is an mpressive GM! Totally recommended!

Additional details

How to prepare

🥸Cameras add a lot to the game, so please have a camera. Not obligatory, but super useful. 🎙️Decent microphone required - watch out for background noise. ✨Discord (installed) for out of game chatter or in-game communication - join our server: ✨Read the rules, pick a role using reactions and join the group for your story ✨Contact me about session zero and technical details before the game ✨Let the magic happen!

What I provide

❇️An entertaining, dragon-filled and heartwarming story, ❇️Characters with quirks, special voices and personality, ❇️Cool creatures to encounter, fight or tame, ❇️Energy, good attitude and experience, ❇️Interesting twists and motivations, ❇️Software licenses and know-how, ❇️Maps, tokens and handouts, ❇️Art and generated art, ❇️Fitting atmosphere, ✴️FUN and good times for all.✴️

Gameplay details

📖 We play in the world of “Ryuutama,” the natural fantasy RPG! 📖 This is (mostly) a positive and warm game - no murderhoboing permitted. :) We play using Owlbear Rodeo - and create a canvas of pictures to help us play :D - The world of Ryuutama is created by four dragons of the seasons and twenty dragons of land and sky. - Players take on the role of Travelers, embarking on a journey through unknown lands. - The game offers seven different classes for players to choose from, such as Hunter, Merchant, and Minstrel and more. - Survival is a key aspect as the world is filled with monsters and hidden dangers. - Proper preparation, including equipping gear and stocking up on supplies, is essential for the Travelers' survival. - The game encourages creativity by allowing players to create their own world, including towns and environments. - The game emphasizes appreciating the beauty of nature and the changing seasons as part of the Travelers' journey. 💖 The adventure and the system are beginner friendly - I am as well.💖 I am completely open to the creative sides of my players and want to help them go through my stories the way THEY want to. We can pretty much remake the world if they have something they are excited about :) ❗On Discord (session 0) we discuss the number of sessions expected, themes, tone, preferences, triggers, as well as start forming your characters and your friend-group. Anything that doesn't get fleshed out there can be finished later, as we play (withing reason). I can help with everything, supply ideas, workshop rules, make dreams come true :) If we can't manage to set things up before the game, the first session turns into a half-price session zero. Quick rules: - Engage with the story and collaborate with others. - Treat other characters and players with respect. - Embrace roleplaying and creativity. - Remember to have fun! 💋I am 18+ content friendly if every player is mature and wants to play that kind of game - but details, expectations and limits must be clearly expressed and established.💋 🔥FUN>STORY>RULES🔥

Content warnings

• Alcohol Use

• Blood

• Character Death

• Controlling Parents

• Child Abandonment

• Classism

• Curing of Disabilities

• Death

• Deep or Large Bodies of Water

• Drowning

• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)

• Eating Disorders

• Emotional Abuse

• Fire

• Genocide

• Guns

• Hostages

• Illness

• Insects

• Kidnapping

• Language/Cursing

• Lifechanging Injury

• Racial Profiling

• Medical Issues

• Mind alteration

• Mind Control

• Memory Erasing

• Nightmares about Traumatic Events

• Sexism

• Racism

• Panic Attacks

• Pandemic

• Paralyzation


• Prejudice

• Scars

• Slavery

• Snakes

• Spiders

• Suffocation

• Suicide

• Trauma

• Violence

• Terrorism

• Talk of Superior Race

Safety tools used




Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

❇️We will start with beginner characters - because there is a lot they can already do. ❇️I will have characters prepared, but Creating characters at/before session 0 is absolutely possible and encouraged.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


Theater of the Mind

Owlbear Rodeo


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 5:00 AM UTC

3-3.5 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined