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GM Jacob
Professional Game Master
GM Jacob he/him



Game Designer

Player for
24 years
GM for
13 years
Hosted over
125 games

About me

🌐My website:🌐 👋 Hey there! I'm Jacob and I've been involved with RPGs for over 20 years, with half of that GMing (and about 8 of that professionally). I teach English through RPGs (co-created a school doing just that), spend time as a camp counselor imparting love for stories and run corporate RPG teambuilding sessions. While D&D 5e is a strong presence in my life, I'm slowly drifting towards more narrative, less mainstream systems. At the moment I'm in love with Avatar Legends and Ryuutama, but systems like Numenera and Blades in the Dark have their own special place in my heart ;) I LIVE for collaboration with my players and I strongly encourage it in every game I can. I'm accustomed to technical problems and fresh players, as I mostly run online these days. I prefer playing in the theatre of the mind, but certain modern automation options and macros make that much, much easier - so I use those whenever possible. I'm also used to homebrewing unique new rules and options for my groups based on the developing story as it makes every campaign feel a bit more *special*. Seeing the eyes of my players spark with joy is my drug of choice. I really hope we get to play together :D If You have questions, write here or on my Discord server.

GM style

FUN>STORY>RULES ☯️I aim to create a safe, creative and enjoyable experience for all manner of players. That means additional time spent helping you get the most out of our game if that is something you require - brainstorming sessions are awesome. 🧝I prefer less crunchy, more narrative games, but I run many complicated dungeon crawls as well. I also love adding additional layers to combat encounters, so that they feel unique and important. 👤I add character to the NPCs through acting, drama, fun dialogues, and quirks. 🗺️I use many maps created by fantastic artists. ❇️I value my players' input and ideas, and I try to incorporate them into the game as much as possible. If there's a lack of ideas, I have backup plans ready to keep the game flowing smoothly. AGAIN - I LIVE for collaboration with my players and I strongly encourage it in every game I can. ✊RPGs offer a unique storytelling experience where the effort and creativity invested in crafting the narrative result in a rich and immersive experience that goes beyond mere gameplay mechanics. In other words - I believe that the more we put in, the more we get out of our game :D 💋I am 18+ content friendly - if every player is mature and wants to play that kind of game. Details, expectations and limits must be clearly expressed and established before we start.

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