Star Trek Adventures (1e): A Star Beyond the Stars
Star Trek Adventures | Campaign
About the adventure
Welcome to the Final Frontier. You are about to embark as a Starfleet officer on a Federation starship headed for the unknown, to boldly go where no one has gone before. As a Starfleet officer you are among the best and brightest in the Federation — commanders, pilots, scientists, engineers, and doctors. Your starship, a vessel of great speed and power, is the pinnacle of space exploration technology allowing you and your crew to investigate new spatial anomalies and support Federation worlds through the Galaxy. The USS Enterprise, under command of Capt. James T. Kirk received an urgent assignment from Starfleet Command: recover the U.S.S. Alcubierre, a science vessel testing an experimental engine system designed to exceed warp 5 without damaging subspace. All communications with the ship were lost one week ago. We will be creating low to mid-ranking officers for this brief campaign (4-5 sessions total, including Session 0). These characters will be sent on the Away Team to explore the Alcubierre and its surroundings. They will also have positions within the ship's systems and command structure. I look forward to exploring strange new worlds with you. If we enjoy the game, we will create a longer campaign to play!
If you want more information about this game, a/o its content, feel free to reach out. Also, times for sessions are somewhat flexible for me until the game becomes active.
Additional details
How to prepare
A working mic is required! A working webcam is suggested, but not required! Discord and Roll20 accounts are required! Once you're in the game, please message me on StartPlaying, and I will send you links for Roll20 and Discord. Also, if you have any ideas for your character, share them then too!
What I provide
We'll use Roll20 almost exclusively for character sheets and rolls. Any maps needed will be used there as well. Please find a suitable token image for your character in case they need to be placed on a map. The majority of locations in this campaign are confined to small-ish starships and a shuttle. I will also be using ambient music and effects from Roll20 to add to our immersion. We will use Discord to communicate in and out of game sessions. I think it'd be cool to stream/record this campaign, but only if EVERYONE agrees!
Gameplay details
We'll go over Lines & Veils for everyone during the Session 0. We will also go through character creation and placement in the chain of command during Session 0. Characters will be Ensigns and/or Lieutenants for this brief campaign. It is set in the period of the Original Series (1966-1969), so at least some minor knowledge of the series is expected, but certainly not required. (I am a lifelong Star Trek enthusiast, and have watched most of the various series to completion at least twice. Definitely seen all the movies multiple times!) This game primarily focuses on the theater of the mind in its narration. There isn't much need of tactical maps or knowledge.
Content warnings
• Language/Cursing
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Bleed
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Session 0
How will character creation work
Character creation will be done either at Session 0 or arranged with me 1 on 1. Character sheets are provided on Roll20. I can provide pdfs of appropriate game materials to build your character if necessary.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Discord
• Roll20
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Wednesday - 1:30 AM UTC
3-4 Hour duration
0 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: All Ages