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Star Wars Age of Rebellion - Starting out green (Intro)

Star Wars Age of Rebellion - Starting out green (Intro)

Star Wars RPG by Fantasy Flight Games | Campaign

About the adventure

Looking to learn how to play in the Star Wars FFG universe? I'm looking for players who are either new, or looking to start a campaign as a new recruit. The Rebellion needs you! The Death Star has been destroyed, and its time to push the Empire back. We need all sorts, from brave Soldiers, to Ace Pilots. From the Engineers who help keep the equipment in tip top shape to Diplomats who can convince the oppressed about the need to fight back. Come join the Rebellion!

Recruiting notes

We are looking at starting this campaing on February 7, 2025. The start time will be 2:00pm MST/3:00pm CST/ 4:00pm EST.

Less than a year on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Creativity, Inclusive

Average response time: 2 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

A microphone will be required and access to Discord for voice. I will be providing a link to Foundry, and the players will be required to make a free account with them. Please download the character creator found at I will explain the basic rules in session 0, and give reminders as we play.

What I provide

I will be using Foundry VTT, which is free for the players, as well as Discord for voice. I will be using voice changers where applicable, ambient music, and the occasional sound FX. I go with the Rule of Cool, and want to make sure the game flows smoothly, and doesn't get bogged down in the rules. Combat in Star Wars is very narrative, but I will be using battlemaps for a somewhat tactical experience.

Gameplay details

During session 0 I will be going through character creation, basic rules, what to expect with roll playing, and how we will manage any difficult topics.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Luxton Technique

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Character creation will occur in a free zero session. A useful too for creating the character, which will be at the starter level, is Ogg Dude's character creator. This character will then be imported into Foundry VTT. Characters can be created using either Age of Rebellion, or Edge of the Empire. We will be not using force sensitive charaters for this campaign.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT



/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Bi-weekly / Friday - 8:00 PM UTC

Mar 21 / Session 3

2.5-3 Hour duration

5 / 5 Seats filled


Fri, Mar 21 | 8:00 PM - Session 3


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+