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Rime of the Frostmaiden:Auril Everlasting|GM🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈|2024 5E

Rime of the Frostmaiden:Auril Everlasting|GM🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈|2024 5E

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

NIGHT ETERNAL COMES FOR THE DALE. WILL YOU SURVIVE THE WINTER?! The wrath of a god is upon you in this survival sandbox adventure taking players far across Faerun's Icewind Dale. Rime of the Frostmaiden: Auril Everlasting is an adventure focused on survival in harsh frozen conditions, building relationships across the Dale's Ten Towns, and weaving together several major plot threads via player choice. But don't be misled by those shiny sourcebooks, this adventure is packed with tons of new material you won't find between the pages of the original work. Rime of the Frostmaiden: Auril Everlasting throws our party into a bleak, frigid tundra trapped in a spell of eternal night. Themes of odd magics, bitter survival, icy vistas filled with strange new monsters to meet, and a wide cast of incredible NPCs to get to know. This adventure is open to new players and veterans alike. Our game will focus on piecing together a story of wrath and desperation in sandbox setting while the clock ticks down on your primary goal: saving the Ten Towns from the grips of Auril's nocturnal curse! From the moment you create your characters and enter the Dale, the reigns will be in your party's hands as to where you'd like to go and which plots/quests you wish to solve. Will you help the people of the Dale break the night's hold? Will you delve deep into ancient frozen troves of vast treasures in search of glory? Or will you attempt to strike at a god and seal you name into history for all time? That will be for you to decide!

Recruiting notes

Begin the day with a sledge ride through the frozen, night-locked north in this Icewind Dale adventure! We play every Tuesday @ 10:00 AM EST. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ⚔️Our is 1st level, using 2024 5th Edition rules. They include: - Bugbear Monk - Elf Rogue - Human Warlock - Dwarf Ranger



Voice Actor
Women/Femme Identifying

2 years on StartPlaying

423 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Players should prepare by reading the Rules and the Character Creation Document found on the Discord, optionally creating their character in DNDBeyond, and checking out our FoundryVTT server's invite link where they can join with a free account. If you like, feel free to familiarize yourself with lore surrounding Icewind Dale if you would like to as well. **You will need access to the following** - A desktop PC or laptop. - Discord, headphones, and a working microphone. Webcams encourged. - A reliable internet connection. I have found Edge or Chrome run FoundryVTT well for browser options. - You, and a willingness hop in and roleplay!

What I provide

I will provide you access to our campaign's virtual spaces in Discord and FoundryVTT. As our adventure will be entirely digital, we can travel light on supplies! Please review the list of items above for all necessary tools.

Gameplay details

~ DM's Note on Content Warnings ~ The list of possible triggers/content warnings below is a list of things that may or may not appear in this campaign. It is very likely many of these will not appear, but I want everyone to be prepared. I take my player's mental health and safety very seriously, so if anything (on or off the list) is an explicit trigger for you, I'm happy to talk with you and be sure those subjects are handled however best suits you.

Content warnings

Safety tools used





Lines and Veils

Luxton Technique

Luxton Technique Discussion

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

You will begin this adventure at Level 1. Please use the Character Creation Document (provided to you upon joining the game); it should hopefully answer most character creation questions. During our Session Zero we will be reviewing our characters in FoundryVTT together; however, it never hurts to have an idea of where you're going with your build. We can also discuss character stories, themes, etc. before the session and during Session Zero. If you have any questions the guide does not answer, please feel free to DM me to discuss.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

D&D Beyond


Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Tuesday - 2:00 PM UTC

Mar 18 / Session 3

3-3.5 Hour duration

4 / 6 Seats filled


Tue, Mar 18 | 2:00 PM - Session 3

Tue, Mar 25 | 2:00 PM - Session 4

Tue, Apr 01 | 2:00 PM - Session 5

Tue, Apr 08 | 2:00 PM - Session 6

Tue, Apr 15 | 2:00 PM - Session 7


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+