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The Doomed Campaign {Thursdays @6pm MST}

The Doomed Campaign {Thursdays @6pm MST}

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

I. IN THIS CAMPAIGN... ------------------------ 1;1 {Martyred} You will take on the roles of a Martyr, a doomed hero sworn to zealous service in the name of the Church to absolve yourself of heretical sins, see your god's will made manifest, and/or drive back the evils threatening the humanity of all aboard the A.R.C. 1;2 {Mega Dungeon} You will explore the void-sealed chambers of the planet-sized cathedral planet known as the A.R.C. cleansing it of evil, recovering lost relics/technologies, and discovering heretical secrets of past ages. 1;3 {Progression} You will begin at lvl 1 and see the bulk of your character's growth or specialization come through the acquisition of lost magics, technologies, and temporary blessings from the Church/gods {this is a campaign about vulnerable mortals performing miraculous feats despite their limitations as opposed to rapidly leveling demi-god type characters}. 1;4 {Narrative} You will be encouraged to immerse your character into the world by fostering emotionally rich relationships with NPCs, delving ever deeper into the A.R.C. to reclaim lost sections as personal strongholds, and overcoming damning character flaws established during character creation over the course of your adventures.



2 years on StartPlaying

169 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

Average response time: 11 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

II. TO PREAPRE YOURSELF... ------------------------------ 2;1 {Discord} Join our private campaign discord server which is where we'll meet for video chat during sessions {provided upon sign-up}. 2;2 {Setting} Read the 1pg setting primer I've put together for the A.R.C. {Arcane Repopulation Craft}; 2;3 {Character} Message me on Discord to start discussing character ideas and ways to work you into the story {I can also send you screengrabs from the 2024 5e rulebook for any of the classes you want to check out if you don't own the rulebook}. 2;4 {Inputs} Make sure you have your camera and mic properly set up in Discord for our upcoming session! In my campaigns I have a stricter "no camera, no play" rule to make sure everyone at the table has as immersive/social an experience as an in-person D&D game.

What I provide

III. I SHALL PROVIDE... ----------------------- 3;1 {Rules} Full access to the 2024 D&D Player Handbook through my D&D Beyond account {see all options for classes/spells/gear/etc}. 3;2 {Minis} A unique collection of hand-made miniatures depicting the peoples and monstoristies of the ARC exactly as they are imagined {digitally rendered as PNGs for our vtt}. 3;3 {Maps} Custom hand-made maps depicting the A.R.C.'s interior chapels and crypts for you to delve to your heart's content. 3;4 {Flexibility} A DMing style that fully embraces the "rule of cool" and rewards players for out-of-the-box approaches to all encounter types.

Gameplay details

I follow a simple "two strikes" policy when it comes to table etiquette. Those who take away from the collective story telling experience with repeated anti-social behavior {despite an initial warning} will be promptly removed from my table so the fun can continue for everyone!

Content warnings

• Alcohol Use

• Animal Death

• Blood

• Body Horror

• Cannibalism

• Character Death

• Child Death

• Cults

• Death

• Devils / Demons / Fiends

• Execution

• Extreme Violence

• Fire

• Gore

• Guns

• Hangings

• Hostages

• Human Trafficking (adult only)

• Illness

• Insects

• Kidnapping

• Language/Cursing

• Murder

• Mutilation of Corpses

• Slavery

• Torture

Safety tools used


How will character creation work

IV. TO CREATE A CHARACTER... --------------------------------- 4;1 {Pitch} Share your character concept{s} with me in Discord to begin brainstorming and weaving backstory elements into the story. 4;2 {Brainstorm} Join me on a Discord video call to flesh out the details of your character and integrate them into the campaign setting and narrative! 4;3 {Build} Take your final concept into D&D Beyond and use their character creator to select your stats, gear, and special abilities. 4;4 {Name} Give your martyred hero a name following the settings "FIRST NAME + SURNAME/TITLE" mortal naming tradition.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


Owlbear Rodeo

D&D Beyond


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Friday - 12:00 AM UTC

Mar 21 / Session 10

2.5-3.5 Hour duration

5 / 6 Seats filled


Fri, Mar 21 | 12:00 AM - Session 10

Fri, Mar 28 | 12:00 AM - Session 11

Fri, Apr 04 | 12:00 AM - Session 12

Fri, Apr 11 | 12:00 AM - Session 13

Fri, Apr 18 | 12:00 AM - Session 14

Fri, Apr 25 | 12:00 AM - Session 15


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+