Come explore Zrihoe! | Lvl 3-20 | Original Setting | All Welcome
Come explore Zrihoe! | Lvl 3-20 | Original Setting | All Welcome

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Thursday - 10:30 PM (UTC)

3-4 Hour duration

0 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 5 players have joined
About the adventure

The planet of Zrihoe (ZA-ri-Oh) was discovered by the Giff 5 years ago when a prison ship suffered from an explosive escape. Crash landing in a naturally formed bay the officers did their best to detain the escaping convicts, and were met with some success. Now three years later the penal colony established at the crash site has failed. Meager farming lands, attacks from local wildlife and indigenous peoples, a lack of support from the Federated Planets Penal Division eventually drove the colony to a ruinous state. The Penal Division, seeking to recoup lost investments, placed the colony up for auction. It took some time but eventually Olreh Hoscan (Ole-rAH Os-CaN) purchased the colony, installed themselves as "Lord Mayor" and self named the new..."city". It's only been two years since Lord Mayor Hoscan began pouring their personal wealth and fortunes into the city of Hoscan, paying to have guild representatives flown in. Campaigning for adventurers, mercenaries, crafters, scholars, arcanists, tinkerers, and all manner of persons to create industry, trade, and most importantly to begin discovering the untold riches of Zrihoe. With more new faces arriving the fate of this burgeoning city is yet to be determined, will it grow and thrive or has Olreh Hoscan embarked on a fools pursuit? -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where YOU come in. Welcome to a Western Marches style game. This world and all it's stories, secrets, and mysteries are yours to discover, and also yours to decide what to do with. This will be sandbox, hexcrawl style world where your decisions impact the growth of the city of Hoscan and its myriad factions. --------------------------------------------------------------------


Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Teacher, Inclusive, Creativity

Additional details

How to prepare

You'll need: * a D&D Beyond Account (free) * Above VTT Chrome/Opera browser extension * Discord Account for audio/video communication. * Something to take notes with * Any Character tokens you want to be used * Any additional rules, homebrew, etc will be provided and my expectation is that you will read them and be familiar with them * A working Microphone * Webcam is optional but encouraged. I don't think we'll need anything else but if we do we'll address it as it comes up, I do my best to use and provide free stuff as much as possible.

What I provide

I will bring all my D&D Beyond content, all the various and myriad tools and resources I've collected from DM's Guild (too many to list). As well as a Discord server for ease of communication. For VTT's I will be using Above VTT in combination with D&D Beyond. If this proves to be not working we'll switch to Roll20. For theatre of the mind moments, scene setting, and general immersion I will use one of a few different options: Spotify, Tabletop Audio, Syrinscape, etc for sounds and ambiance. Art, maps and similar assets I will either make myself or have purchased the rights to use. For NPC's I will be getting into character, doing accents, miming mannerisms, etc. I like rules but I also like to have fun and do/see cool things. I will not let things get too wild but I can guarantee you I won't be more than 60% "by the book". I have a personal "open door" policy in that you can reach out to me at any time with questions, concerns, ideas, etc. I'll do my best to reply within 24hr or less.

Gameplay details

* Session 0 (zero): I use session zero as a time for everyone to meet and greet, create characters, provide lore, collect lines and veils, answer questions, and most importantly set expectations. My expectations of you the players, ya'lls expectations of me as a Game Master, and our collective expectations of the campaign. * Breaks: I plan for a 10-15 minute mid session break. Other breaks can be privately or publicly requested as needed. * Debriefing: we'll take 15-30 minutes (more if needed) at the end of the session to discuss the session, how it went, how everyone is feeling about where events are at, addressing: concerns, things we liked, things we do or don't want to see happen, etc. * Lines and Veils: This will be a publicly available and editable document, hosted on Google Drive. The link will be shared during Session 0 and reviewed before every session. * Open Door: Everyone has the own physical and mental limitations, and this is to always be respected. Myself and the other players do not need an explanation unless you are comfortable providing one. If you need to leave mid session that's fine. If you need a short or long break all I ask is to know when you plan on returning. I will most likely reach out privately to ask "are you ok". Again I don't need an explanation, a "yes" or "no" answer is fine, if you say no I may ask if you want to discuss it but at no point are you ever obligated to discuss or divulge anything you aren't comfortable talking about and i will never push or pry. * N|X|O or Red|Yellow|Green cards: This will be done via message to the whole group. If you are not comfortable using the main chat then message me privately and I will say something to the effect of "we have a/an (card), here's what will now happen. X or Red cards I will immediately stop, call for a short break, do a quick check in with everyone before resuming along a safer path. Other Gameplay details: * I know combat can be a slog sometimes so I do my best to make it move as quickly as possible * This game will consist of a lot of traveling from place to place, we can agree in Session 0 how gritty we want this to be but for the most part I plan on using "The Pointy Hat Travel System" * I'm always open to persuasion on how or why you can use X ability/skill/item to achieve Y means/goal even if the rules say otherwise. Bring a good idea or argument :)

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

This will happen during Session 0. * Everyone starts at Level 3 with one free feat. * We'll Roll for stats (4d6 drop the lowest) and health * Races will be restricted to those in the Players Handbook. * Everyone starts with 100 Gp to purchase basic equipment, no magical items to start. We'll cover everything else during Session 0

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


Above VTT

D&D Beyond