Salty Sapphic Sailors | Thirsty Sword Lesbians | All Skill Lvls
Powered by the Apocalypse RPG, Thirsty Sword Lesbians | Campaign
About the adventure
Now is the time to get in on a brand new campaign! DM with questions, or jump right in. <3 You and your gals are just an average group of pals who've known each other for many months, if not years, having gathered on this little pear-shaped island named Misfortune. You have three things in common with everyone; You're a lesbian, you have a sword, and you're part of a conspiracy to steal a ship and make a life on the high seas together. - Encounter new rivals, kiss them, and then seethe over what is not an admiration for their skill, and DEFINITELY not a fluttering in your stomach! - Valiantly free women from various bad situations, kiss them, and have them join your crew or move them on to a safer port. - Weather the worst of storms with your mates, kiss them, and patch things up after things blow over. - Steal the cruel Governor's clockwork leg, kiss his daughter, and make off with half a dozen new cannons for your ship. - Encounter fairies, swamp witches, sirens, mermaids and other wonderous creatures, kiss them, and frolic in the rigging while your head swims with could-have-beens. In this campaign you'll play a lesbian pirate on a ship overflowing with other lesbian pirates in a whimsical jaunt across a low-steampunk island dotted world while working through your personal traumas and getting messily, voraciously, and shamelessly involved with other crew and those you encounter along your journey of self-actualization. With a tone at the intersection of Avatar meets Lemony Snicket you'll have as many laughs as you will dastardly deeds, sword and friends by your side.
Brand new campaign! Join up, be a sapphic pirate!
Additional details
How to prepare
-Thirsty Sword Lesbians is systemically rich, but mechanically simple. Rules will be taught and/or reviewed in Session 0 and reinforced during play until everyone's comfortable. -Play will take place in a Discord server that I will give you an invite to quickly after you join, please have the software downloaded on your hardware of choice. -A stable internet connection is expected. -Some way to generate 2d6, your own dice are fine, as is a digital tool. -A microphone of reasonable quality and without a *lot* of noise is expected. If you play in a room full of other people conversing or watching tv loudly (and that can be heard) you will be asked to remedy that, and if unable you will be requested to leave the table. -A webcam is preferred as this is a heavy RP game and human interaction is best face to face, but is not mandatory.
What I provide
I will be providing: -The Discord server we play on -Supplemental art of locations, a few maps, and NPCs. -All materials will be digital and players welcome to keep on their own. -Home studio quality sound and lighting. -Some small voice work and characterization for NPCs -A player-focused GM style -Professional and courteous interaction for in and out of game interactions (As human GM, *not* as in-game NPCs)
Gameplay details
Hi! A review of safety tools: We'll be using Monty Cook's checklist to serve as our lines and veils, which is rather self explanatory but we can go over it if this is your first time with the concept. You can download that here: I will hand the file out directly if anyone is missing it by Session 0 (which we'll cover last in this section.) Instead of XNO cards we will be playing with the original X card: A safeword. "Red" is my default, but we'll discuss that and agree on that. It is more easily *immediately* reacted to and close to impossible to miss if someone says it a couple times. We will have a cooldown period of review and discussion after each session where we can discuss the high and low points of the game, decompress anything necessary, and especially give me as the GM feedback on where the game should head. Please do not be intimidated by the content warning tags. A majority of them are maybes, and only a few are pretty well mandatory. And several of those can be handled veiled. Thirsty Sword Lesbians is nowhere near as heavy as Apocalypse World, but is still a system that deals with human interaction in a society that may not be the friendliest. Here is the mandatory list, everything else is negotiable and changeable: * The system is intentionally has themes of queerness baked into the core of it. You don't have to be explicitly any one thing or another -- but the game demands as the GM I poke and prod at those sorts of questions. * The system explores emotions and trauma, especially romantic and sexual feelings. The group's level of comfort will dictate the level of detail and where we fade to black, but the topics will be included. * There will be cursing. Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a system that demands the GM be responsive to character action. There is no "nothing happens" roll result in TSL. There is certainly failure, but even in failure there will be mechanically significant impact. This is a roleplay heavy, character centered game. You are each the star and my job as the GM is to make it look and feel that way. The characters are not a power fantasy (mostly) -- everyone has flaws and I would hope you come to this table wanting to express those in play. No experience necessary to join, the system itself is on the lower end of complexity. All player materials (which is honestly just your character sheet and one or two pages of relevant rules) will be provided in PDF format. Bring your own 2d6, or a way to simulate that, there are many apps and webpages for that purpose. "Cheating" is not my concern. We're here to tell a story, not win a game, and if you want to win a game where you are powerful; I ask that you please find another GM. I will provide an invite to a game Discord and permission to your private campaign channel(s) on the server. Session 0 will involve a review of everyone's consent checklist, character creation, system overview, discussion of themes everyone wants to explore and those we wish to avoid, collaborative world building (which will be ongoing throughout play), and we will likely have a small amount of a play session to get everyone comfortable with the system and further develop character relationships.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Character creation will happen during Session 0, and players will have access to player "playbooks" (very similar to classes in most games) and are encouraged to get an idea ahead of this first meeting. You are requested to *not* decide firmly anything until we are all together; Playbooks are exclusive and only one player can play each at a time.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Theater of the Mind
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Friday - 2:00 AM UTC
Mar 28 / Session 9
2.5-3 Hour duration
4 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+