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Kingmaker AP,

Kingmaker AP,

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

This is a level 1-20 Adventure Path designed with an emphasis on hex exploration and kingdom development, with the same combat and Roleplay we all know and love in 2e. Kingmaker offers a unique opportunity in adventure paths for much more significant impact based on player choices, via the kingdom system.


1 year on StartPlaying

33 games hosted

Additional details

How to prepare

Decent quality microphone No webcam needed Forge account (Free for Foundry) An understanding of the base rules of Pathfinder 2e, and/or a willingness to learn them as you go.

What I provide

Foundry VTT Maps/Tokens for relevant NPC's Music via Foundry.

Gameplay details

Any issues, questions, concerns etc. I want my players to reach out and let me know as soon as it concerns them, I would much rather someone reach out about something that ends up not being an issue, than keep it to themself and end up leaving the group over a problem. My DM's are always open on w/e platform people are comfortable reaching out via. There are a couple minor home-brew elements but they are all optional to the party, as well as Free Archetype/Ancestry Paragon.

Content warnings

Safety tools used




Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Session 0 will be the primary time for character creation, however all players will be given a sheet in Foundry upon joining.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 4:00 PM UTC

Mar 31 / Session 17

3-4 Hour duration

4 / 5 Seats filled


Mon, Mar 31 | 4:00 PM - Session 17

Mon, Apr 07 | 4:00 PM - Session 18

Mon, Apr 14 | 4:00 PM - Session 19

Mon, Apr 21 | 4:00 PM - Session 20

Mon, Apr 28 | 4:00 PM - Session 21

Mon, May 05 | 4:00 PM - Session 22

Mon, May 12 | 4:00 PM - Session 23


Experience required: Intermediate

Age: 18+