The Adventure Begins|Dragon of Icespire Peak-A Starter Campaign

The Adventure Begins|Dragon of Icespire Peak-A Starter Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Friday - 1:30 AM UTC

Mar 14 / Session 5

2.5-3 Hour duration

6 / 6 Seats filled


Fri, Mar 14 | 1:30 AM - Session 5

Fri, Mar 21 | 1:30 AM - Session 6


Experience required: Beginner

Age: All Ages

About the adventure

The little town of Phandalin has recently been reclaimed and settled once more and is home to quiet, hard-working folk. Decades after being ransacked by marauding orcs, the draw of gold in the region has brought people back. The people here have rebuilt a good portion of the town and have marked out a nice simple life for themselves. Little do they know, something else has moved into the surrounding mountains and is proving to be a rising threat. A white dragon has been spotted! Can you band together and rise to the challenge? Can you become heroes to the region? 🔹Goes through levels 1-5! 🔹This campaign will be geared towards new or beginner players to D&D but experienced players are welcome and should still get plenty out of this adventure. The pace of gameplay will be relaxed to allow for questions and learning during the game. 🔹We will be using the 5e 2014 ruleset. 🔹This campaign will start with a Session 0 where we will discuss a few things, including the safety tools we will use, some general themes in the game, we can work some on character creation, go over a few homebrew rules to discuss if we want to implement them, and talk about how we will all expect game sessions to go.


1 year on StartPlaying

6 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Average response time: 12 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

⚔️To join, you will need⚔️ ✔️Discord account along with the Discord app on the computer you’re playing on. ✔️Access to Google Drive. ✔️A mic and webcam. ✔️Either an application on your computer or a notebook to take notes of important things that come up during the adventure. 🔹Of course dice are also a necessity, so if you already own some or just want to buy physical dice for this, you may use those. For those without physical dice, I will provide a digital way to roll dice. 🔹I will also occasionally send pictures of various things, so having some way to either print those out or saving them on your computer to have them on hand while playing would make the game run smoother as I will be referencing them at times.

What I provide

⚔️What I think the most important thing is that I want to bring to the table is making sure everyone at my table has a safe, inclusive, and fun gaming environment.⚔️ 🔹I will provide maps from the module for visual aid and pictures of reference cards for any magic items that are received during the game. 🔹I prefer running a game with a good spread of roleplay and combat. Roleplay can be between the players, and between the players and I through NPC’s (Non-Player Characters). For combat, I try and present tactical situations where there could be lots of possible ways to engage with enemies. I also love and encourage players coming up with creative solutions in and out of combat. 🔹I love doing character voices and encourage players to try it out themselves. It helps immerse everyone in the story and can be really fun! It is not a requirement, however. 🔹I believe the dice help tell the story, but also I want my players to feel cool, so I encourage and appreciate the Rule of Cool when it's planned in advance and/or supports the story.

Gameplay details

🛡️In addition to going over aspects of the game during Session 0, we will also go over the safety tools that will be used. We will talk about potential triggers for the players, the use of XNO cards, the Open Door, Debriefing, and Stars and Wishes. 🛡️I will be sending prep-materials with a fillable PDF of an RPG consent checklist for me to keep as an ongoing reminder of what kinds of things the players do or don’t want to see in the game to make sure everyone has a fun time without worrying too much about feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Luxton Technique Discussion

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

🔹There will be the option of pre-made characters for a faster, simpler, character creation. The other option is to make your own characters. All characters will start at level 1. If you have a preferred place to keep your character sheets, you may do that but I will need to have a copy of it. 🔹For those who are creating their own characters, the stats can be decided by either using the Standard Array or can be rolled during Session 0 which I will help with and talk about then. Any official D&D books can be used to make your characters as I have quite a few, or can find the information. 🔹🔹FOR BRAND NEW PLAYERS: I recommend using a pre-made character. If you don’t love some of the descriptions or names, those can be easily changed to something more to your liking without starting from scratch. But if your creative fires are burning and you really want to make your own, that is something we can go over in Session 0. Be warned, that for new players it can be a lot of information and decisions and may require follow-up and homework on your part to have ready by the first session.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used


Theater of the Mind