ALIEN: Destroyer of Worlds
ALIEN: Destroyer of Worlds

Alien RPG | Campaign


/ Session


Custom / Wednesday - 5:00 PM (UTC)

3-4 Hour duration

5 / 5 Seats filled



Experience required: Beginner

Age: 13-17

About the adventure

Ariarcus Colony is a frozen hellhole orbiting the gas giant Kruger 60, on the border between the United Americas and the Union of Progressive Peoples. Once an oil town home to over 200,000 people, rising tensions between the superpowers have led to UPP invasions of several neighbouring systems, and odds are Ariarcus is next, leaving maybe 2,000 inhabitants, and half of those probably insurgents. On your way to the front lines, you were plucked from your respective units for a special assignment. Fort Nebraska, the USCM garrison at the centre of Ariarcus, has a problem: 4 of their soldiers, from the highly prestigious Sineaters regiment no less, have gone AWOL. Apparently they stole highly sensitive information, like alter-the-course-of-the-war sensitive, and it falls to you lucky grunts to search a ghost town half-filled with scared, resentful, probably defecting civvies, and ensure that info never gets off-moon. Intel says you've got maybe 48 hours before the invasion fleet arrives, and there's one HELL of a blizzard headed your way. It's gonna be another glorious fuckin' day in the Corps. (Ice photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash)

Recruiting notes

All player characters are pre-generated and specific to the story. The party will be a squad of Colonial Marines Sessions will be run Wednesday evenings, 6-9pm GMT give or take a few minutes.

Published Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Game Master Reviews (6)

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They will show up here after a player has written a review.

Additional details

How to prepare

Bare minimum, you'll need a mic and internet connection. I use Discord for voice chat, and run my own Foundry server. Links to both will be provided closer to the date. You're welcome to use webcams, but that's your decision. I'll be using mine, because I gesture a lot and make faces. Characters are supplied. I'll provide a crash course in the system in the first session. Other than that, I'd recommend watching Alien and Aliens to get in the mood!

What I provide

Destroyer of Worlds is a small campaign, totalling about 5-6 sessions on average. It has an array of pre-generated characters to choose, each with personalised agendas and story developments. It is combat heavy, and it is *very* likely that player characters will suffer serious injury or even death. There are more PCs to choose than there are players for a reason! Multiple opportunities come along where a player can get back in the game with a new character. I run it through Foundry VTT, using the published adventure's maps and tokens. I have the other Alien modules too, so there are expanded weapon lists. I maintain a playlist of mood appropriate background music throughout, including music from the movies and videogames. I make extensive use of additional Foundry mods, including but not limited to: -Weather effects -Animated weapon attacks -Sound effects -Blood splatters -Lighting effects -Computer terminals -and more. I delight in playing multiple NPCs and have several bad accents to employ, and I strongly encourage roleplay. I generally stick to the rules, but I will occasionally indulge some Rule of Cool, especially if it involves players coming up with weird, awesome, or perhaps just bizarre plans. tl;dr I try to run a fun, accessible game that is violent, bloody, atmospheric and entertaining. Players should be under no illusions; Destroyer of Worlds is a meat-grinder and injury or death are expected. It's an Aliens game, after all, and odds are not everyone will make it out alive.

Gameplay details

At Session 0, everyone has a chance to get clarification on any point of content, and to establish boundaries. I want my players fully aware of what they're getting into. I will set aside a VTT scene as a "living document", where we can set and amend hard lines and soft veils if and when a situation arises. At the end of each session, we can have a debriefing to further discuss any issues that came up, and possible solutions, as well as praise whatever went well. Aliens is a bleak setting and system, and there are plenty of unpleasant things that can happen. I want my players to be fully aware of what they're getting into, and enthusiastic about it, and I'll do my best to tailor the game to that end.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Session 0

How will character creation work

Destroyer of Worlds uses pre-made characters with personalised story beats and events. There are more than enough characters to choose from, and others can become available as the game progresses.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used


Foundry VTT