Journeys Through Oneiros: A Fabula Ultima Campaign
Journeys Through Oneiros: A Fabula Ultima Campaign

Fabula Ultima | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Sunday - 11:00 PM (UTC)

2-3 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled



Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined
About the adventure

An explosion echoes out across the cosmos, hearkening the creation of a new planet. As time passes, this new world flourishes with life of all kinds, seemingly content with the civilizations it creates. That is, until the Starfall arrives: a massive meteor whose devastation rips apart the whole of the world, leaving it bleeding and fractured. In the aftermath of this calamity, new heroes are called upon to journey out and help this planet heal. This is the world of Oneiros. And this, dear players, is where your story begins. Journeys Through Oneiros is a Fabula Ultima campaign meant for players new to the system who wish to indulge in JRPG nostalgia. The system, which itself is a love letter to games like Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, and Chrono Trigger, works best with people who lean into the fantastic elements of its inspirations. Create an Elementalist who slings spells and uses deft sword work in combat. Become a Tinkerer who masters magitech creations to make their magical cannon. Embrace the pain of a Darkblade and use your own health to strike down enemies. Whatever your particular interest, expect to embrace heroics and emotions as you journey to heal the fractured world of Oneiros. No prior experience with Fabula Ultima is needed as a system reference document will be provided and all major rules will be explained during Session 0.

Recruiting notes

This campaign is designed from the ground up to be accessible to people entirely unfamiliar with Fabula Ultima and looking to revel in some JRPG nostalgia. From Session 0 onward the world, themes, and character struggles will be built with input from the players and even the boss designs will draw inspiration from their favorite games. Whether you are new to ttrpgs or just looking to expand out from your usual systems, this campaign is sure to deliver on what you are looking for! This first official session will be a chance to break down safety issues and begin the worldbuilding process, letting players collaboratively establish the main elements of the world of Oneiros. Come with an eager heart, a creative mind, and a desire to really relive those key Final Fantasy gaming moments!

Published Writer
Women/Femme Identifying
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, World Builder, Storytelling

Additional details

How to prepare

All players will need to have access to a webcam and a microphone in order to play the game along with access to a digital dice roller if they do not have physical dice. An account with Roll20 and a Discord profile should be obtained beforehand in order to be let into the planning space for the game as soon as possible. In addition to this, players should take time to read through the rules and system reference document that will be provided through the server the game will be hosted on. Finally, while it is okay to come to Session 0 with ideas for what you want your character to be, all character creation will be finalized during Session 0 to ensure no one is denied the opportunity to voice a preference for a playbook.

What I provide

For all of my games, I offer direct access to the main core books for the system I am running to ensure people do not need to worry about financial access to the materials. I provide links to a Roll20 for access to a digital dice roller and playbook organization whenever possible in the event folks do not have physical dice. I will also always provide a system reference document that organizes all core info for a system in a streamlined fashion to ensure folks have an accessible reference during gameplay. As far as personal style, I lean heavily into emotionally cathartic and bittersweet heartache when it comes to my games. My NPCs frequently speak to a range of queer and trans experiences that come from my own life as a queer and trans woman of color. I love to act out different character personalities and voices whenever I can manage it, but I do not expect my players to do the same. Come with a sense of fun, flirtation, and a willingness to let game rules fall by the wayside when they don't serve a narrative beat. Even if this is your first time playing a TTRPG, lean into the mess and find joy pushing beyond your comfort zone! A solid scaffold of safety tools give us the space to push our creative edges together.

Gameplay details

My policy for running any game is to always run a Session 0 for all my tables, taking time to go over the ins and outs of any sensitive areas that need clarity. As part of enabling that clarity, I will be sending everyone a link to a personal Discord where all of the game resources will be shared. This includes a pdf for the RPG Consent checklist and a link to a Lines/Veils sheet I will be adding to and players can choose to contribute to as well. My goal with safety is simple: I would rather jettison any planned plot points and go overboard on talking through topics than risk the safety of my players. Being a good GM entails being responsible with not only my players' fun but also their well-being. I take safety very seriously and whenever possible will enable my players' agency to shape the story in a safe, enjoyable way

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Once the entire table is confirmed, all players will have access to a Discord server in which they will have text channels, and join Session 0 to discuss their initial interest in playbooks/classes. For players both new and old, the basic process of creating a character will be explained in detail. Players will be able to decide their character's main theme and principle, pick the stats for their 4 main attributes, choose their playbooks from the core book and supplemental options, select their skills, and decide their backstory connections to other players.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

