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Glory of the Giants! Levels 5 - 16 Storm Kings + Bigbys + Fizbans! - Presented by DM Shiv

Glory of the Giants! Levels 5 - 16 Storm Kings + Bigbys + Fizbans! - Presented by DM Shiv

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

UPDATE: The campaign has been running successfully for almost 1 year with nearly all of the original players who started. Sadly, due to a player's new job and work hours, we have a single seat opened up for the right player. The party are now level 9 and have uncovered a plot involving a sinister group of giant hailing from the Shadowfel who have infiltrated each of the giant societies! They have made friends, fought dragons, undead, Giants and made enemies along the way! 🎲 The World Setting 🎲 Delve into a world steeped in ancient lore and untold mysteries. Long before the rise of man, the world was shaped by the mighty Annam, the All-Father, who forged an empire known as Ostoria with his six sons. Governed by the intricate social hierarchy of the Ordning, Ostoria stood as a beacon of power and glory during the Age of Giants! However, this golden age was shattered by the cataclysmic Thousand-Year War, a titanic conflict between giants and dragons that left Ostoria in ruins, a shadow of its former glory, and caused Annam to turn his back on his descendants in disappointment. Now, in the age of men, our adventure begins with the private commission of an investigation. An unknown wealthy sponsor has put together a team of professionals to track down the Giants and unravel the mysteries of their Ordning! 🏰 The Adventure 🏰 Embark on a journey levelling up to 16+ as you delve deep into the heart of giant society and confront the escalating crisis. This extraordinary adventure draws inspiration from the classic 'Storm King's Thunder' module and incorporates the rich details of 'Bigby's Glory of the Giants' book. With over eight years of Dungeons and Dragons experience and three years of professional Dungeon Mastering, I have crafted an unforgettable campaign for my players. 🧙🏼 The DM 🧙🏼 Please have a look at my DM Profile to learn a bit about the games I run. My focus is on all participants having a good time! I must insist on a short chat over Discord to ensure you are the right type of player for our existing group. This also helps me to understand your own expectations and has worked very well for me so far, having created many amazing groups that love to play together. If you're the right player, you will join our existing party of players who have just completed Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen for their next adventure! Be part of our amazing community of enthusiastic, hilarious players who are here for a great time! ⏲️ The Game Schedule & Finer Details ⏲️ The campaign began on April 25th ran weekly at 6:30 PM GMT. I request you consider if this suits your foreseeable schedule prior to joining, as we aim to have a long-term committed group of players who aim to complete the campaign together. We play on Roll20 with audio/video over Discord. Webcam is optional, although it is encouraged to help with player bonding! Being able to see each other's reactions is fun, and we tend to connect on a deeper level with visuals.



2 years on StartPlaying

309 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Visual Aid

Additional details

How to prepare

We will talk over discord and have a session zero prior to game launch. Please bring a working mic, webcam and good internet connection. Most importantly a great attitude and positive energy!

What I provide

I will bring 8 years DM experience, knowing how to engage the party, modify combat to keep it exciting and challenging. API, macro's and script writing to create a unique experience on my Roll20 games. I will also bring almost every dnd book and share access for you along with custom maps and monsters.

Gameplay details

Players may private message me if uncomfortable at any time! All whistle blows will be handled with care and privacy. We expect mutual respect at our table and always end the session on a positive feedback moment.

Content warnings

Safety tools used

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

27 point buy - with starting equipment at level 3 plus 100g We will run a session zero for this, if you join after, I will assist you creating a good aligned character that will fit the party makeup.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Thursday - 5:30 PM UTC

Mar 20 / Session 38

3-4 Hour duration

5 / 6 Seats filled


Off Schedule

Thu, Mar 20 | 6:30 PM - Session 38

Thu, Mar 27 | 6:30 PM - Session 39

Thu, Apr 03 | 5:30 PM - Session 40

Thu, Apr 10 | 5:30 PM - Session 41

Thu, Apr 17 | 5:30 PM - Session 42

Thu, Apr 24 | 5:30 PM - Session 43

Thu, May 01 | 5:30 PM - Session 44

Thu, May 08 | 5:30 PM - Session 45

Thu, May 15 | 5:30 PM - Session 46

Thu, May 22 | 5:30 PM - Session 47

Thu, May 29 | 5:30 PM - Session 48

Thu, Jun 05 | 5:30 PM - Session 49


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+