Curse of the Happy Porter
Dragon Age | Campaign
About the adventure
Strange twisted beasts have begin terrorizing the lands of Navara of late and now entire villages are abandoned with little rhyme or reason. The Warden's have taken note of this and dispatched a party to look into the strange occurrences only to find silence and the laughter of children as a caravan of wandering performers seeks to quell the silence with fun, frivolity and mirth. But will it last?
2 years on StartPlaying
2 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Knows the Rules
Game Master Reviews (6)
Players say this GM is great at:
World Builder
Knows the Rules
He runs a well-thought-out game because he puts so much into his game worlds. He allows and encourages players to make interesting character background stories then incorporates them into the narrative, so you feel your character is really part of the world! There is a flip side to this as well, because if your character screws up or ignores obligations, it can have repercussions for the character down the road. He allows players to set their pace so if you can form plans and execute them effectively, then you can get a lot accomplished but if you are vague and wishy-washy, it will take longer to get things accomplished. He will nudge players if they seem to be really floundering but mostly leaves it up to them when they are outside of the planned adventures/encounters. In the adventures, he gives solid descriptions and directions but leaves the execution of it up to the players. Overall, he runs a great game I have always looked forward to playing. I have gamed iRL with this GM for better then 20 years, so I know what I am talking about! 😁
There is always something to do. The world is always evolving and the choices you make not only affect your character and party but also the environment. You feel immersed in your own story, and feel like you play a role in everyone elses' story, even with the NPC'S. PS: Avoid the fishing dwarf!
I have played with Caradwyn for a couple of years now. He's a great GM! He creates and communicates an immersive world without dumping a bunch of exposition. He is adaptable to player actions and table mood. He has a firm grasp of the rules of whichever system he's running (I've played in his games with Fantasy AGE, Werewolf 2nd Edition, Shadowrun 2nd Edition and Call of Cthulhu). He is also quite good at teaching the rules system as you go. The games have been a mix of action and combat, roleplay and puzzles. The politics of the world and actions of the power players influence these -- you're not fighting anonymous unmotivated mook #5, you're fighting somebody's agent who is there with a purpose. Even when things don't seem to make sense at the time, they always do in the end. I would not hesitate to spend an afternoon in Caradwyn's game.
Additional details
How to prepare
Character concept, Roll20 login and character portrait are all that need be brought to the table. Nothing else to worry about as everything will be prepared or built on in game.
What I provide
All Roll20 maps, characters and world background in easily accessible formats.
Content warnings
• Alcoholism
• Animal Death
• Blood
• Body Horror
• Character Death
• Fire
• Insects
• Illness
• Kidnapping
• Language/Cursing
• Slavery
• Spiders
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Luxton Technique Discussion
• Session 0
How will character creation work
Players will have the option of character generation at Session 0 or pre-generated characters from a wide assortment of specializations and class options.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Roll20
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Custom / Sunday - 8:00 PM UTC
3-4 Hour duration
2 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: All Ages