Adventures in Wildemount!
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Will you be able to rescue Exandria? A crack in space and time lies south of the Blightshore in Wildemount. Somewhere deep in the Feywild the Shadowfell is seeping through; causing the fey there to evacuate to the material plane, many with memories altered. Will you be able to meet these threats? This campaign is part of a shared world of several games run by the same GM and streamed for all to enjoy. This campaign is set in Exandria where you will be able to let your character grow and develop as they leave their mark on this ever-changing world. This campaign will be personalized to your character, their backstory, and your decisions as their player.
Game Master Reviews (102)
Players say this GM is great at:
I attended one of Matt's webinars connected to professional GMing, and I was very impressed with his professionalism, positive attitude, and organization. He also prioritized keeping the date even though the offering was free, and he was ill--which is beyond kind and extremely encouraging for folks in the SPG community. I'm confident that he treats his players with kindness, respect, and prioritizes their fun at his table and would happily play with / learn from him again in the future.
Additional details
How to prepare
Mic will be required, webcam is highly encouraged and will help us all have a better game. Character will be made on dnd beyond. Familiarity with Wildemount or Critical Role could be helpful but will not be necessary.
What I provide
I am bringing my library on dndbeyond that you will have access to, a story customized and written around your party, battle maps I will craft based on your choices, and custom printed & painted mini's of your characters so you can see them on the battle map. After six paid sessions all players can ask for duplicates of their mini's to be mailed if in continental U.S.
Gameplay details
Gameplay will have involve social interactions, inter character development, exploring, combat, etc. At our free session 0 we will discuss our limits/preferences and how we will express them.
Content warnings
• Alcoholism
• Alcohol Use
• Blood
• Body Horror
• Character Death
• Child Death
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
• Guns
• Trauma
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
In session 0(free) we will make our character's, discuss starting location, etc. We will talk how the characters meet and advance from level 1 to level 2 through that story (no rolling). Our first paid session will begin at level 2.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Physical Battlemap
• Theater of the Mind
• Zoom
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Wednesday - 12:00 AM UTC
Mar 19 / Session 194
3-4 Hour duration
5 / 7 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+