Zulu's Board Game Cafe (he/him)
3 years on StartPlaying
About me
Zulu’s Board Game Café is a game store in the greater Seattle area with 4 professional DM’s running games for both Young Adventurers, (ages 8 to 17), and adults. Zulu’s DM’s are Jason, Vaughan, Alex, and Robert, and they have 45 years of DMing experience between them. Meet Jason - 30 Years of DMing Jason has run and played role playing games for the last 30 years, running everything from science fiction, fantasy, horror, and nearly everything in between. He enjoys running long campaigns, but is just as happy running a one shot adventure. Jason has been running D&D for Zulu’s for the last 2 years, both for Young Adventurers and in a biweekly Zulu’s employee campaign. He enjoys working with players to craft their characters and backstories and to tell an epic story. His games take place in a custom setting inspired by world folklore, mythology, and fantasy literature that he has developed over time. Meet Vaughan - 1 Year of DMing Since middle school, Vaughan has been a big fan of tabletop roleplaying games. He enjoys seeing characters he plays and those he runs for develop as stories progress or take their twists and turns. He has great interest in a variety of settings and genres and hopes to explore them in long running campaigns. Vaughan strives to deliver captivating stories and interesting combats by upping stakes and creating memorable NPCs. He creates these stories in his own world that he’s been realizing for several years. After being a part of Zulu’s since early 2018, he’s ecstatic to dive even deeper into his passion! Meet Alex - 1 Year of DMing Alex has played D&D on and off for about 10 years. He’s always enjoyed reading through the books and coming up with cool stories to play through. Alex has been a Zulu’s Dungeon Master since the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020 and now runs games six days a week! His style of play is similar to a cartoon, where zany whacky fun can happen! Alex also enjoys adding to the heads-up display for the players to see and thoroughly feel like they’re in another world to help them understand who they’re talking to and where they are. He plays in a home brew setting and is very excited to start playing! Meet Rob - 14 Years of DMing As a Dungeon Master the 3 things Rob values most in a game are, being ready for anything the players do, player agency, and having fun while creating an interesting story with the players. With 20 years of tabletop RPG experience under his belt, he knows there is no way to prepare for all the crazy ideas that the players will have, but that is one of the things he enjoys about running games. Time and again he is delighted to see what ideas and schemes the players come up with. When DMing he strives to make players feel a sense of agency over their character and the story itself. What he enjoys most is working with the players to create an interesting and engaging narrative. He looks forward to going on adventures with you.
GM Style
Each of the Zulu's Board Game GMs have a unique style. For more information you can watch them talk about their DMing style on the Zulu's Games YouTube channel. Rob's Style "I see being a Game Master as an opportunity to create run and interesting stories with the group of players. Put simply I am a player focused, story centric GM. One of my most fond memories of playing D&D was when our DM asked us where we wanted to go and I was able to plan an expedition across the Silver Marches. Sense then I have strove to give other players that feeling of agency. I try to fold the characters’ back story into the main narrative, and give players the opportunity to guide the story. If the players want to chase a chicken I will do what I can to make that chicken an interesting story hook." Alex's Style Alex has a very interesting style. His main motive is to make sure his players have as much fun as possible, especially when things start to go haywire! He likes adding a few puzzles to his dungeon crawls as well as overworld exploration and political intrigue. Alex uses his own homebrew world that he helps guide players through on some very interesting adventures. In his continuous games, he lets the players explore the open world for them to have free reign and affect other groups he runs as well.
Game platforms used
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