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Less than a year on StartPlaying

58 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Knows the Rules

About me

Hey! I'm David but I go by Whiskey online and I'm a D&D content creator on Twitch, TikTok, Instagram & YouTube. I've been playing/running & loving D&D games since 2020 all through Discord, Zoom & Roll20. Since 2023, I became a father to a lovely little boy who I look after full time and I wanted to use my passion for running D&D to hopefully provide some income for our family. I have been hesitant to get started purely because I felt like I was not good enough but my friends encouraged me to just go for it. SO HERE I AM!

GM Style

I like to believe that I have a good balance between the three pillars of play with D&D. šŸ“ I create flavourful locations for the players to explore, usually taking inspiration from the characters they have created or simply asking them what types of locations they want to experience. Including puzzles that I try to design around the character's abilities/spells to be able to solve! šŸ™‹šŸ»I like to introduce a variety of characters for them to interact with, some of which are there just to provide some silly voices and quirks that they almost always want to adopt (Boblin the Goblin related of course!) to potential villains that have more depth and reason to their actions, that might even challenge the character's own beliefs, than just "I am bad because I like doing bad things" (Even though, I personally love a baddie like that sometimes) āš”ļø Finally, Combat. I personally love combat as a player and a DM. I love to provide challenging encounters for my players that aren't always just about taking an enemy down to 0hp (Even though that is absolutely needed sometimes) but treating combat as a Puzzle itself. I definitely make sure my players feel a healthy amount of pressure during combat because overcoming real adversity in those feels extremely rewarding and I live for the "Phew" moment when the players finally defeat the encounter. šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ I pride myself on creating a safe space for everyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, race etc. because we all deserve to enjoy a little escape from how weird our realities can be once in a while and take on the wildest and most wonderful adventures together as equals. šŸ“– Regarding how I run the game itself, I definitely like to pay attention to the rules of the game as much as possible because I think it provides a fantastic base of understanding for all players to work with and you can get up to some incredible things when you know how the rules work and know how to break them properly! However, there are definitely some rules in the game that can (and should) be ignored. But I try to make sure that my players know of any changes to certain rules way in advanced of them coming up, usually through a session 0 as I think setting expectations is extremely important and leads to a much smoother campaign all together. If there are moments mid session where we're all not too sure how it should be ran and if I think it would take too long to work out in the moment, I just make a decision in the moment and after the session, do my research and let everyone know how it should of gone, that it's okay for that moment and we move on knowing more for next time! Because in the end, this is a game that we are all learning to play together. So even if we do make mistakes, that's okay because we can learn from them, grow together, support each other through those moments and most importantly, tell a damn good story together! ā¤ļø

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