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Shaun (The Mercenary DM)

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

20 odd years running old-school, high fantasy games, primarily in the D&D system (all editions excepting 4th which just made me feel icky). With a background in creative writing, theatrical improvisation, theatre sports and voice acting, my friends just kind of saddled me with the DM thing, and I've been stuck there ever since. Expect dynamic and intense combat, colorful NPCs, detailed settings and a strong sense of theatricality. The main feedback I get from players is that they feel like there are truly no limits to what they can attempt, and that they never bump against "the edge of the level." I take a lot of pride in the level of play that I offer, and try to always offer a fully immersive play experience. I also like to buck tradition with regards to expectations. I try to avoid stock situations and characters. If the average D&D module is a Hollywood Blockbuster, consider my campaigns the cool indie film alternative. If I do run a mod, expect there to be some homebrew add-ins to gussy it up some. Ultimately, I just want to craft deep, immersive games that are fully satisfying to the player.

GM Style

Tons of roleplay, vibrant NPC's with great character voices, rampant imagination and colorful scenarios, open-world sandbox situations and stories that are driven by player choices, with shambolic combat that runs fast and loose and favors grandiose, theatrical action. I craft my games to the players, not the other way 'round. Let me know what kind of an experience you're looking for and I'll bust my buns to make it happen! I love building worlds and telling stories, and the biggest thrill I get as a DM is watching my players excitedly reminisce about past adventures. I'm all about crafting memories and building community, and to me that means putting my players first.

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