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Grim the Guildmaster

Grim the Guildmaster (she/her)



Less than a year on StartPlaying

73 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, Teacher

About me

A professional DM for about 4 years and a player for almost 20! I am a huge gamer, so I can't help but have immense love for the game that paved the way for all other games. Every single RPG out there is just a slightly tweaked system underneath but the Dungeons & Dragons influence is still alive and well. I give 110% effort to all of my games but I'll never claim to get it right all the time. Between helping players to make and understand their characters, to pointing out ways you could have changed that fight in your favor once we're done, I am always going to give my all to make sure you both are having a great time and getting the most out of your characters! I don't, however, know everything and admit to not always knowing/using some of the lesser-known or used rules. Even if you took damage triple to your max HP, I'm not going to auto-kill you at level 2 as soon as you begin connecting with your character. It absolutely is NOT me against the players, I am on your side and want to see you prevail. You are NOT my enemy!

GM Style

I prefer an even amount of roleplaying and combat though I cannot always confess to being a Grade A voice actor. I can, however, always promise to bring amazing soundscapes and effects wherever I can! I maintain a Syrinscape subscription for all of my players to enjoy and spend time to custom-make entire modules' worth of soundscapes.

Game platforms used
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