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3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

About me

I have been roleplaying for 40 years. I started with 1st edition D&D and have played all the editions. (4e is my least favourite). I have also played and run Gamma World, Heroes Unlimited, Traveller, Mega Traveller, Shadowrun, GURPS, Middle Earth, D20 Heroes, and a few home brew things. I have been a GM/DM for about 35 years. D&D is my favourite RPG followed by Traveller. I am about to branch out into Esper Genisis, 5e rules set in a sci Fi campaign. Due to the COVID stuff I started venturing into playing online. Now I run several games a week and have also studied and gained a qualification as a Therapeutic Game Master and Geek Specialist through Geek Therapeutics. I love Roll20 and all the amazing stuff it can do. About me: Male (He/him), living in Australia (GMT +11), loving family man with many kids and pets.

GM style

I love to role play and use character voices for most interaction. My games cover all aspects from role playing, exploring and combat. I enjoy developing new content for existing modules that I run to give my world a true lived in experience where your actions can have impact on world events.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters
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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.