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Michael Cuff

Michael Cuff (he/him)



3 years on StartPlaying

About me

My adventure started in 1983 when my cousin Jason brought over a red box he had bought at the Hallmark store in the mall. Having already discovered Tolkien and other great fantasy writers that box and the adventures it created sealed my love of fantasy and D&D. All through my teenage years and into college I enjoyed playing roleplaying games with friends and family. But as I grew older and started "adulting" it became harder to find people to play with. It wasn't until 2016 that I would pick back up the mantel of DM thanks to several coworkers and a random conversation. Now with the plague years upon us and several years of experience DM (for multiple age groups), I am looking to expand my online adventuring. I have experience using both Roll20 and Fantasy Ground software systems and have created my own homebrew adventures as well as experience running prebuilt campaigns and stand-alone adventures. So come join me in epic adventure and let's create worlds together.

GM Style

I enjoy both the tactical and roleplaying aspects of the game. I tend to shift my DMing style to the party and let them develop the world offering various paths to explore and enjoy. I am also very good at on the fly world creation if the party decides to go in an unexpected direction thanks to my years running games with teenagers and my friend JJ who loves to test me in this area. I like leveling character by milestones instead of going by experience points, and once characters get to third level slow down the leveling process to allow for character development and experience. In are areas of character and NPC interactions I do a great job developing the NPC's motives and personalities, but will be honest and say I am not the best when it comes to the voices (I do try but my range and accents are limited).

Game platforms used
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