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Jake Ware
Published Writer

2 years on StartPlaying

85 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

About me

Back in the day, I played AD&D every Sunday at noon. The DMs were two brothers who took turns. I had never really been friends with them before that. We played until dinner. We were into it. I played Felris Quickfingers, Svirfneblin Jester. I could never figure out how anyone DMed the game and I never cared to learn. The same could be said for working in a middle school, which I had also sworn off ever doing, but found myself doing one day. I started social groups using DnD and Pathfinder. It was awesome teaching kids DnD and building relationships that way. Eventually, I switched to playing with friends and family during the pandemic. Now, I DM almost exclusively. I foolishly thought I would DM to inspire my players to also become DMs. In the meantime, I discovered I love the range of creativity this hobby brings out in us all, and all the ways it brings people together.

GM Style

I like to encourage roleplay, and I like to try to do the different voices. I do not mind if players just want to tell me what their characters do without acting it out. I take things kind of slow, and try to stick to the rules. I am an educator, so I like to explain the WHY of things. I try to make the monsters tough, and try to be aware of pacing and that everyone gets a turn to act/ say something. I'm a little wishy washy on what all the spells do, so I super appreciate people who know their spells and abilities and what they do. There are a zillion videos on the internet about your class. Just ask and I can recommend!

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