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David Captain Of The SSAdventurer
DMs Guild Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

267 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Creativity

About me

Having taken the gm seat, since my TTRPG journeys began, I found modules often lack-lustre with little substance for my liking, I enjoy the creation aspect of homebrewing, bringing unique monsters and Memorable NPC's to the forefront forever pushing players to new heights in their travels. I pride myself on unexpected twists and turns in the stories I tell and full complete worlds to be explored. I believe the best sessions are formulated with 20% preparation 30% Improvisation 40% players input and 10% for everything else. I come from a thespian background having studied both performing arts and English Literature bringing these skills to the table, leads to intriguing storylines, interesting unique characters such as; Hoddo the goblin, a wild magic alchemist, whose potions do random and wonderous things every time and Grimace the half-orc barkeep, forever forcing a smile on his face to hold back the consistent rage that comes with working with the punters. I wholly believe that a TTRPG campaign would not be the same from a singular perspective, that is where you the player come in, your characters will be at the forefront, the decisions you make will dictate the pace, and the story that you follow, with multiple threads weaved throughout the multiverse just waiting to grab hold. included but not limited to, exploring your motivations, backstory, fears, romantic interests, friends, rivals and so much more. Along with smaller story plots intertwined with over-arching themes and plots. Why not come sit at my table and tell a story with me?

GM style

All my Games are run to a high standard, I pride myself on my ability to weave a story and bring multiple characters with vastly different backgrounds and personalities together. Most of my games are slight meat grinders, but I do tend to give Fairly powerful items out quite early on to ensure and aid your survival. My worlds are fully homebrewed, from pantheons, to the different planes of existence, you still have the opportunity to visit all your favourites like the fey wilds and abyss, they may however be altered, to better fit their connection to the world


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