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DM Shadows

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

About me

I began playing D&D when I was young. The red box and Moldvay images emblazoned in my mind. Also read The Endless Quests and the Lonewolf choose your own adventure books long ago. Then I went on to AD&D for a bit. There was a special magic to it all!! The camaraderie with friends! The artwork, the dice, the minis and maps and monsters!! You know the feeling! A few (many! shhhh) years later, I returned to the game of games to teach my son how to play, and realized that magical feeling was still there and over the last 4 years of playing, it has only grown stronger! I DMed for my family, then got on roll20 and ran the Critical Role excerpt Frozen Sick. I Also got on Discord for some PbP (Play by Post), then for a friend in person, back to pen and paper, etc.etc. Currently running a game for my son and his friends, and a pbp (play-by-post) game on the Dungeon Realms app,weve been playing everyday for the last 8 months, with nearly the same group! Long story short Ive been DMing non stop for the last 3 1/2 years, and I love it. I love seeing/hearing my players faces light up at the sheer joy of taping back into their imaginations. Basking in the their excitement as they come up with the perfect plan together! And hearing the laughter that can erupt spontaneously from playing this amazing game! Let's create a story we'll never forget!

GM style

I love a balanced game of Roleplay, Challenging Tactical Combat, Exploration, and most of all fun! But its really up to the concensus of the table. If everyone prefers rp heavy, we'll lean into that or if mostly combatis prefered, we can do that too. We'll figure it out together for maximum enjoyment! I like to incorporate your characters backstories and your goals into the story. With Asynchronous Play by Post text play, it really does feel like we are writing a story together. I enjoy running modules and also adding in a bit of my own flavor with some additional quests and tweeks as they naturally occur. I'm patient when working through questions. I like to keep the game moving as well and will do my best to ensure everyone is posting at a pace that doesn't leave anyone behind and is comfortable for everyone.

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