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Sevan Paris

1 year on StartPlaying

180 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

About me

I cut my teeth on roleplaying with West End's Star Wars system at a young age. I quickly learned that RPGs were an awesome way to connect with people who have similar interests, and these games also scratch an artistic itch. When I'm not involved in something kind of geeky, I'm involved in something incredibly geeky--probably involving superheroes. I enjoy all things comics, Transformers, Science Fiction, and fantasy (especially when dice are involved). Despite each of these child-like addictions, my wife, Cindy, continues to love me in a super adult-like fashion. Also, I've published over 30 books, which you can see here:

GM style

I enjoy a quickly paced narrative, with lots of character, melodrama, and action. The game should serve the players and the narrative and--most importantly--be fun. I use voices and encourage other players to if they're comfortable with it. I like to use maps, to help players visualize their part in a scene, but I'm not heavy on tactics.

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