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1 year on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Inclusive, Storytelling

About me

I am passionate about creating a fun fantasy sandbox with a strong emphasis on hooks to the main plot. Part of the joy of running a game is keeping the world behind the scenes going. I try and use character voices for most NPCs to keep the rules and narrative away from the role playing. I prefer to run games in a 'Disney' level of violence edged against gritty social economical realism. This means that bad guys monologue, but don't torture, give or take how you feel about my character voice, and the setting while dangerous and full of repercussion is rather nonlethal. I am looking forward to Battlezoo's Eldamon release to run some games with pocket monsters. Until then I'm focusing on the Indigo Isles and having a fun go at some pirate adventures.

GM Style

I played DM'd for a long time with adventurer's league 5th edition D&D, about 2 years before swapping to Pathfinder Society. I ran that for a year before the pandemic rolled in and I move to virtual table tops. I found my current best friend Foundry Vtt and we've been seeing each other daily for almost two years now. My wife would be jealous but she doesn't want to store all my maps and tokens so she compromised. I've been a ttrpg fan since the early 80s. I like to do prep work. This is in the form of knowing the setting and locations the PCs will be in. That way I can add in lore details, world details, and create more of living breathing world experience. I have never ran a module as written and I probably never will but I will keep the story core the main interest in the sandbox of the setting. I try and run a fun table with a focus on acceptance and inclusion. The best way to do this is a strict ban on political conversations. Unless it is a fantasy political issue. I put a lot of work into the setting and I expect players to know their sheets. While I am not against helping new players, everyone only gets so much time in the spot light and not knowing your rules is going to hurt your play time. I give out hero points for looking up rules. If someone doesn't know something and a clarification on a specific rule is required finding that solution gets you 1/3 of a hero point. Look up three rules and you get a re-roll. Pathfinder has a lot of rule crunch and if I hit a wall, I might ad-lib a rule. After the session I will look it up and fix the rules in the ole brain bin. That or a PC can score 1/3 of a hero point by looking it up.

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