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Sam Comerford

Sam Comerford (he/him)



Published Writer
Voice Actor

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

About me

Hi! My name is Sam Comerford, and I'd love to be your DM! I run the Roleplaying and Rollplaying Twitter account, and I also ran the first season of the podcast. So if you need a demo reel, check those out! I tend to run more light-hearted games, but I'm willing to make and take things as serious as you'd like them!

GM Style

Typically, I enjoy roleplay more so than combat, and usually I prescribe to the "Rule of Cool". I love doing character voices, and I typically have some lightheartedness involved, however I have DMed for both comedic and completely serious games, and I'm able to do whatever the table wants. In addition, we will have a session 0 where we go over some table rules and what everyone is comfortable with.
