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Aetsch (she/they)



Women/Femme Identifying

Less than a year on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: World Builder, Storytelling, Creativity

About me

Hey, I'm Aetsch (pronounced like the letter H)! I am a 30-something neurodivergent queer nerd with hyper-focuses in D&D and Doctor Who. I've been playing D&D, starting with 3.5, for 7 years and running games for 3. My tables will always be inclusive & a safe space for POC, LGBTQIA+ folks, and individuals with disabilities.

GM Style

I like to run my games mostly RAW with a strong Rule of Cool tint. I often provide what I call vibe videos for non-combat scenarios with artwork and ambience that sets the scene, and I like to spoil my players with special magic items & extra feats when appropriate to story. My campaigns tend to be high fantasy with focuses on exploration, mystery, and roleplay. They are all set in my homebrew world of Inor and the surrounding planes. I am not a voice actor but rely on narrative description, leaning into my writer background, and I value true-to-character roleplay.

What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.

  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.