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2 years on StartPlaying

134 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

About me

🏳‍🌈Robin (or Kat) He/they/she (Not picky), LGBT+🏳‍🌈 Hello, nice to meet you! I'm a professional GM of two years with a focus on acting and storytelling, gravitating to RP heavy games and character driven narratives, having multiple year+ long campaigns already ongoing! My background is in writing, amateur acting, and improv. I am not a professional voice actor, but I do also do voices and am consistently expanding my abilities in that area...I've also been told I can do a near perfect sheep impression. 🐑 I am also a proud activist who values promoting inclusivity and safety for minority groups at my tables. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is my comfort campaign and the one I'm known for, having written my own expansion and additional content on the setting and plot focusing more on the faction intrigue, exploration, and RP potential of the game that has been well recieved in the community. I am currently compiling a rewrite to release on DM's guild! ⭐Current Full Campaigns⭐ D&D 5e-Waterdeep Expanded (Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday nights) D&D 5e Curse of Strahd (Monday night) Call of Cthulhu 7e- Crimson Letters (Every other Thursday night) D&D 5e Homebrew Play-By-Post Duet Curse of Strahd Play By Post ⭐Campaigns Looking For Players⭐ Out of the Abyss Play By Post (3/5 players.) ⭐Coming Soon? ⭐ I am interested in branching out to more game systems in upcoming months, and am looking to run some short adventures and one shots in the following systems. -Avatar Legends -Bladerunner the TTRPG -The One Ring TTRPG -Pathfinder 2e -Vampire: The Masquerade 5e -DIE! The Roleplaying Game -Monsterhearts -Cyberpunk RED -Delta Green Open to one-on-one PbP Duets on request! These start at $60/week for a base adventure, going up in price for custom games depending on the complexity and the rate of posting. This is negotiable to an extent, if you would like to reach out and discuss! ⭐Hiring for Private Events!⭐ I also host private events, though request at least a week and a half notice before the time you book me for to make sure I can set a game up to my standards and have time to fully discuss what you're looking for. This starts at $30/per person for a 3-4 hour session, price increase to $50/per person for longer sessions. I run for 2-5 people in these instances, rate increase also noted for larger groups. I need an advance notice of at LEAST a week, more if hiring for an adventure built from the ground up, which I will also need to discuss payment on as this takes far more time to customize on my end. This is potentially negotiable to an extent, if you would like to reach out and discuss!

GM style

✅You matter. I believe in working together for a communal storytelling experience is one of the things that makes TTRPGs truly special as a medium. I always prioritize trying to make the party a solid core of the story, and respecting player agency. ✅A healthy group! Point one will not be put over the good of the whole. I want the table to feel safe, welcoming, and hopefully a space where you can also become friends with people around the table! I will not abide toxic behavior. ✅Communication! Keeping a well running, safe table is important to me. I value communication and mutual respect. If you have problems or concerns, we will talk about them like mature adults and try our best to find a solution. ✅A focus on complex NPCs, a living world, and a story driven by player choice. With years of storytelling experience, I want to help make YOU part of a growing, immersive narrative. ✅Everything is setup with either Foundry or Roll20, along with Kenku for music and sound effects. Handouts, theater of mind splash pages, and hand-picked battle maps all set up for easy use! I use Foundry as my main VTT currently but have over 9500+ hours on Roll20 as well. There is no cost to use either service on the player's end! Everything else in handled in discord! MY DM STYLE 🤹‍♀️ A mix of Rule of Cool and RAW, with preference to rulings that enable dynamic, interesting scenes without breaking the game. 🌄 Beautiful maps for combat, along with splash pages and handouts to enhance RP and immersion! 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 A friendly personality and welcoming community! I want to do my best to make my tables feel like a group of friends, and not just a transactional service. 🎶 Curated music playlists, as well as soundboards to emphasize tense moments! 🕵️‍♀️ Player agency prioritized, with one on one check ins and brainstorming sessions to get what you want out of your PCs! 🏹 Challenging but more sparse combat encounters tied to the narrative beats of the campaign. GAMEPLAY DETAILS AND VTT SETUP 🎆 Automated effects for spells and attacks! 🔎 A roleplay heavy focus where the story and characters are at the forefront! ✨ Group voted inspiration awarded after every session! 💗Accessibility settings (For hearing, mute, flashing lights, etc.) 🔥 Secure Foundry VTT Hosting via The Forge 🎇Immersive dynamic lighting and effects! Including day to night cycles on maps! Join the Discord: New to SPG? Use this link to get $10 off your first game! ROBIN'S GAME STYLE: Exploration:‎ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Humor:‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⭐⭐⭐ Social RP‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Puzzles:‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⭐⭐ Combat‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⭐⭐

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