Robert M. (he/him)
1 year on StartPlaying
About me
Hello, I am Robert, a Dungeon Master for my homebrew world named Sintas! I have been playing games since the age of 4 and playing Dungeons and Dragons since 12. I enjoy almost every game in existence, from cards, to boards, to sports, to videogames, to all random creations in between. I’m experienced in Shadowrun, Whitewolf, D20 Modern, Pathfinder 1 and 2, AD&D, DnD 3.xe, and 5. I have been a staff member at a number of larps, my longest time being 7 years creating iconic mods and NPCs for other people to enjoy! Storytelling is in my blood, it’s something I love to do and I challenge myself to get better at any angle. I like to make voices, create maps, and tell unique stories making almost any scenario you can throw at me a cakewalk!
GM Style
As a DM, I consider myself well read with the rules, though they are a guideline to adhere to and not strict posts to keep to heart. If you can describe to me something within the realm of possibility well enough, I will generally allow it. I can and do rule against some things, Looney Tunes physics is not encouraged. I focus on exploration and roleplay, while combat may be last, it can be the most fun and is never forgotten about. Descriptions are important to me and it gives me the need to create a livable world within your mind. I consider it a hard acquired skill of mine to create that, so please, allow me to bring you into my world, to hopefully bring it to life as you tell your story.
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